
Minigo is a utility using the official go API for Minio storage.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Minio is a high performance k8s native object storage suite based on the S3-API. Minigo is a small utility application to directly get information from the associated storage suite or to apply file operations on it.


An example configuration file is in the repo:

    - name: local
      endpoint: localhost:9000
      accesskey: minioadmin
      secretkey: minioadmin
      usessl: false

However, exposing secrets is not a good style. Therefore it's also possible to place the secretkey in the environment variable same named as the configuration name. As a second option the configuration file is not needed if the endpoint, accesskey, secretkey and usessl are given directly via arguments.

Persistent flags

Either config or direct values can be used.

--config - Path to the configuration file.
--configname - Name to specify used configuration name, if not set the first configuration in the configuration file is used.
--endpoint - The endpoint for the minio connection.
--accesskey - The accesskey for minio connection.
--secretkey - The secretkey for minio connection.
--useSSL - Connect with ssl. Defaults to true.



Prints out all buckets. Example usage:

minigo listBuckets

Optional arguments:

-ts - Show creation timestamps of buckets


Creates a given bucket by name. Usage:

minigo createBucket <bucketname>

Example usage to create a bucket named test:

minigo createBucket test

Optional arguments:

-location - Specify the location of the bucket to create


Just prints out if the given bucket exists. Usage:

minigo bucketExists <bucketname>

Example usage to check if test bucket exists:

minigo bucketExists test


Removes the bucket if exists. Usage:

minigo removeBucket <bucketname>

Example usage to remove the bucket test:

minigo removeBucket test


List all objects in a bucket or given subfolder. Usage:

minigo listObjects <bucketname>

Optional arguments:

-prefix - Specify the subpath in the bucket to list
-recursive - Recursively searches all folders and subfolders 
-ts - Additionally print out latest modification timestamps

Example usage to list all objects recursively in bucket test within folder3:

minigo listObjects test -prefix folder3 -recursive


Removes all objects in a bucket or given subfolder. Usage:

minigo removeObjects <bucketname> <objectname>

Remove all objects in folder3 in bucket test:

minigo removeObjects test folder3

Removes web.go inside folder3 in bucket test:

minigo removeObjects test folder3/web.go


Downloads the object or all objects to the local named structure given in destination. Usage:

minigo getObjects <bucketname> <objectname> <destination>

Downloads all objects in folder3 in bucket test to minigodl folder locally:

minigo getObjects test folder3 minigodl

Downloads web.go in folder3 in bucket test to minigodl/web.go locally:

minigo getObjects test folder3/web.go minigodl/

Downloads web.go in folder3 in bucket test to gui.go locally:

minigo getObjects test folder3/web.go gui.go


Copy the object or all objects to another location. Usage:

minigo copyObjects <bucketname> <objectname> <destination>

Optional arguments:

-bucket - Specifies another bucket as the destination bucket

Copies all objects in folder3 in bucket test to minigodl folder in bucket test:

minigo copyObjects test folder3 minigodl

Copies web.go in folder3 in bucket test to minigodl/web.go in bucket test:

minigo copyObjects test folder3/web.go minigodl/

Copies web.go in folder3 in bucket test to gui.go in bucket test:

minigo copyObjects test folder3/web.go gui.go

Copies web.go in folder3 in bucket test to gui.go in bucket anothertest:

minigo copyObjects test folder3/web.go gui.go -bucket anothertest

Copies all objects from bucket test to bucket anothertest:

minigo copyObjects test . . -bucket anothertest

Copies all objects from bucket test to folder anotherFolder in bucket anothertest:

minigo copyObjects test . anotherFolder -bucket anothertest


Mirrors a bucket and all of its content to another bucket. If this bucket does not exist, create it. Usage:

minigo mirrorBucket <sourceBucketName> <targetBucketName>

Copies all objects bucket test to the new bucket anothertest:

minigo mirrorBucket test anothertest

Optional arguments:

-location - Specify the location of the target bucket