Node Js Boilerplate

Starter project with node js, express and passport


  • npm start
  • npm run dev
  • npm run lint
  • npm run test

Code overview


npm i express cors @hapi/boom express-validator helmet bcrypt jsonwebtoken passport passport-http passport-jwt mongoose
  • express: Server for handling and routing Http requests
  • jsonwebtoken: For generating JWTs for authentication
  • mongooose: Modeling and mapping MongoDB javascript
  • passport: For user athentication


 npm i -D dotenv nodemon nyc prettier eslint eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier husky lint-staged jest supertest
  • dotenv: it's used for managed the environment varariables.
  • nodemon: util for auto refresh when occurs a change in the code

Application Structure

  • index.js: This file is the entry point of the application
  • config/: The folder contains configuration for environments variables
  • conponents/: The folder contains the definition for every component (API definition, test, model, validation).
  • uitls/: The folder contains uitls to be used for components (auth strategies, error handler, validations).


The routes that require authentication need the Authentication header in the Request with a valid Json Web Token(JWT)