
My résumé, built with NuxtJS and Tailwind CSS.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Nuxt Résumé

GitLab build status

My résumé, built with NuxtJS and Tailwind CSS: https://resume.nathanfriend.io (or view as a PDF)

A screenshot of my resume


All of the content of this résumé is sourced from resume-data.json. This file loosely adheres to the resume.json schema (with some additional properties for display purposes). See the resume.json section below for more info about resume.json compatibility.

Additionally, a resume-data.private.json file can be created alongside resume-data.json. This file is .gitignore-ed; its contents will be merged into resume-data.json when building this résumé. This is used to protect personal info such as phone numbers and addresses, while still allowing this data to appear in locally-generated résumés.


This project's visual style was heavily inspired by the Universal Résumé Template.


As part of the CI pipeline, a resume.json file that conforms to the resume.json schema is extracted from resume-data.json and automatically pushed to a GitLab Snippet and a GitHub Gist. The ci/generate-resume.json.js script is responsible for this work.

You can view the rendered result at https://registry.jsonresume.org/nfriend.

Generating a résumé locally

To generate a résumé locally, simply start the dev server (yarn dev) and print the web page (/Ctrl+P) as a PDF. In fact, this is exactly how the PDF is generated by the pipeline. Since the pipeline uses headless Chrome, printing the résumé locally using Chrome will provide the most consistent result.

Why not just use the PDF generated by the pipeline?

The pipeline generates a PDF using only the public information found in resume-data.json and does not include any private data specified in resume-data.private.json. (For example, phone numbers.)

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# generate static project
$ yarn generate

For other useful commands, check out the scripts defined in package.json.

HTML linting

One yarn script in particular - yarn html-lint - requires some setup before it will run:

  • Install Ruby
  • Install Bundler
  • Run bundle install at the root of this project
  • Run yarn generate to generate a production build in ./dist

Once these prerequisites have been completed, running yarn html-lint will run html-proofer on the output *.html. This is particularly useful for validating that all external links are still valid.

Static generation

During deployment, all Nuxt-related <script> elements are stripped from the compiled HTML. This is accomplished by the yarn strip-scripts command, which calls ci/strip-script-elements.js. This works because this application is fully rendered at build time and requires no client-side hydration.

Stripping these <script> elements allows the end result to be truly static (no JavaScript required), which isn't (yet) supported by Nuxt.

More info

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.


All résumé content in resume-data.json (or generated by ci/generate-resume.json.js) is Copyright Nathan Friend © 2020 and may not be reused without my permission.

All other directories and files are MIT Licensed. If you make use of any code found in this project, a link back to https://gitlab.com/nfriend/nuxt-resume would be appreciated, but is not required.


Icons were sourced from Font Awesome (license). No changes were made to the icons.