
All configuration and deployment scripts needed to automate the deployment of my website via Docker.

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All configuration and deployment scripts needed to automate the deployment of my website via Docker.

View the source on GitLab.

How to deploy to a new server

  1. If you haven't already, update the DNS entries of all *.nathanfriend.(io|com) domains to the server's new IP address.

  2. Open up the following (inbound) ports in the VM:

    • 80 (HTTP)
    • 443 (HTTPS)
    • 685 (SSH)
    • 18734 (Roggle websocket server)
    • 9300 (Rook websocket server)
    • 8089 (NodeChat websocket server)
  3. Install Node, Docker, Docker Compose, and git on the server

  4. Create a new user on the server named gitlabci

  5. Allow the gitlabci user to run Docker commands without sudo: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/#manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user

  6. Give the user SSH access and update this project's CI/CD variables with the updated values (see the Variables section below), specifically:

  7. Run this project's pipeline

At this point in time, the pipeline should automatically deploy the application to nathanfriend.io. Although I'm almost positive I've forgotten a few steps, so good luck 😅

However, visiting https://nathanfriend.io will result in a certificate error. This is because during its first deployment, nginx uses some fake certificates in order to start the server before real certificates are fetched from Let's Encrypt (using the Certbot Docker container).

To fetch real certificates, SSH into the server and run scripts/init-lets-encrypt.template.sh. This script will request certificats from Let's Encrypt, save the certificats to the server, and reload nginx. After this script finishes successfully, you should no longer receive a certificate error when browsing to https://nathanfriend.io.

Note: This script only needs to be run once. Subsequent deploys will reuse these certificates, and renewals are handled automatically. Also, this script must be run while the Docker services are up and running. However, this script will need to be manually run again when any domains or subdomains are added (or removed).


In order for this project's GitLab pipeline to succeed, a few environment variables are required:

Variable name Description
SERVER_ADDR Main domain of the site, without subdomains or protocol. Should be set to nathanfriend.io unless the site is moved somewhere else in the future.
SERVER_USER Username of the server user used by the GitLab pipeline to SSH into the server and execute deployments. This project assumes this user is gitlabci.
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY The SSH private key that SERVER_USER can use to SSH into the server
SSH_PORT The port used by SERVER_USER when SSH'ing
SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/ssh_keys/#verifying-the-ssh-host-keys
REGENERATE_SKILL_JSONS Optional. If provided, regenerates and deploys the JSON files that support the Alexa flash briefing skills (and does not perform the normal deploy to https://nathanfriend.io). See the Flash briefings section below.

Migrating stateful app data

Most of the apps that run on this webserver are stateless and don't require any data migration. However, there a few exceptions. Here are instructions on how to move these apps with their data:

Inspiral Web

Here's the high-level idea:

  • Export the current database as a .sql file from the old MySQL container on the old server
  • Copy the file into the new MySQL on the new server
  • Import the file into the new MySQL database

Inspiral Web consists of one MySQL database with one (very large) table. To export the data from the old server, SSH into the MySQL container using:

docker exec -it <container-id> bash

Then, inside the MySQL container, run the following:

mysqldump -u root -p <root password here> inspirograph > inspirograph-backup.sql

Then, exit the container SSH session and copy the file from the container to the host using:

docker cp <container-id>:/path/to/inspirograph-backup.sql

Copy inspirograph-backup.sql to the new server. Then, SSH into the new host machine and copy the file into the new MySQL container:

docker cp /path/to/inspirograph-backup.sql <container-id>:/inspirograph-backup.sql

Look at the logs of the MySQL container to get the MySQL root password:

docker logs <container-id>

The line in the logs output will look like this:


Alternatively, the password can be found in KeePass.

Copy inspirograph-backup.sql into the new MySQL container:

docker cp inspirograph-backup.sql <container-id>:/tmp/inspirograph-backup.sql

Import the .sql into the new MySQL container by SSH'ing into the container (as described above), dropping the DEV version of the database (created when the container is created), and recreating the database:

mysql -u root -p

mysql> DROP DATABASE inspirograph;
mysql> CREATE DATABASE inspirograph;

Then, import the .sql file:

mysql -u root -p inspirograph < inspirograph-backup.sql

Flash briefings

In order to support the Fortune Cookie and Oddly Specific Fortunes Alexa flash briefings, the JSON files hosted at https://nathanfriend.io/flash-briefings/fortune-cookie.json and https://nathanfriend.io/flash-briefings/oddly-specific-fortunes.json are regenerated each day (at 3:00 AM Eastern time). This is done through a scheduled pipeline in this project with the REGENERATE_SKILL_JSONS environment variable set to true.

Things to test after a deployment

Most of these tests are now automated after each deploy through a downstream pipeline in the website-3.0-tests project.

Notes to self on developing

All new development should use npm to host the build artifacts of the application. Some older applications have been copied verbatim into this reposistory into the static directory, since this is easier than updating them to include a package.json as part of their build. The assumption is that no new development will occur on these repositories.


During development, you will need to update your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts or /etc/hosts) with the following entries:   nathanfriend.io   nathanfriend.com   nathanfriend.dev   www.nathanfriend.io   www.nathanfriend.com   www.nathanfriend.dev   dev.nathanfriend.io   dev.nathanfriend.com   dev.nathanfriend.dev   www.dev.nathanfriend.io   www.dev.nathanfriend.com   www.dev.nathanfriend.dev   fake.nathanfriend.io   fake.nathanfriend.com   fake.nathanfriend.dev   bethany.and.nathanfriend.com   bethany.and.nathanfriend.dev   www.bethany.and.nathanfriend.com   www.bethany.and.nathanfriend.dev   bethany.and.nathanfriend.io   www.bethany.and.nathanfriend.io

Some useful commands:

To run the Docker network locally, run at the root of this repository:

docker-compose up -d --build

To take down the network and delete the Inspiral Web data volume:

docker-compose down; docker volume rm website-30-docker_inspirograph-mysql-volume


Add the following projects:

  • ldraw-visualizer
  • Deck of Cards