#Notepad++ Twig Highlighter 2.1
Simple Twig syntax highlighter for Notepad++ with UDL 2.1
- Start notepad++.
- Go to 'View' > 'User-Defined Dialog...'.
- Click 'Import' and select the 'twig.xml' file.
- Restart Notepad++
- Twig is now available in the list of languages ... at the bottom, above 'User-Defined'
- Complain about stuff that doesn't work.
1.0 - Final version.
0.2 - First worked version.
0.1 (may, 19) - Initial fork.
##Licence This project is under GPL V3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Banane9 - original project
cjmaxik - update to UDL 2.1