
PRI project: EX2 MaxPrec : 0.75

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Description of the dataset

The dataset is composed of two files:

  • en_docs_clean.csv
  • pt_docs_clean.csv

The first contains manifestos from the United Kingdom. The second contains manifestos from Portugal. You can use one of them or both in your system.

Each line in a file contains the following columns:

  • text: one segment of a manifesto
  • manifesto_id: the id for the manifesto to which the segment belongs
  • party: the political party that authored the manifesto
  • date: the election date (year and month)
  • title: the title of the manifesto

Columns are separated by commas (,). Strings that contain commas are delimited by double quotes ("). Both files are encoded using UTF-8.

#Ex 1 guide

#running normally

  • cd Ex1
  • python3 Ex1.py

#libraries used

  • pandas
  • whoosh
  • nltk

#command flags

  • raw_data - runs using raw dataset instead of cleaned dataset
  • lab - runs algorithm based on the version made at laboratory 2 in the course
  • no_generate- use this if indexdir is already created from previous execution, and you did't change any flag. just for time saving on indexing the files.


python3 Ex1.py - runs normally on cleaned dataset (en_docs_clean.csv) and indexes the files

python3 Ex1.py lab - runs normally on cleaned dataset (en_docs_clean.csv) and indexes the files in memory using lab method

python3 Ex1.py raw_data - runs on the uncleaned dataset (en_docs.csv) and indexes the files

python3 Ex1.py raw_data lab - runs on the uncleaned dataset (en_docs.csv) and indexes the files in memory using lab method

python3 Ex1.py no_generate - runs normally using previously indexed files