
Create a TypeScript SDK from an OpenAPI 3 definition

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Create a TypeScript SDK from an OpenAPI 3 definition

GitHub license

A TypeScript rewrite of openapi-js-sdk-builder.

It basically brings a minimal TypeScript SDK from an OpenAPI3 file with no OOP inside. It works with any HTTP client.


With a raw Node script:

import { generateSDKFromOpenAPI } from 'openapi-ts-sdk-builder';
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';

const openAPIContents = readFileSync('openapi.json', 'utf-8');
const sdkContents = generateSDKFromOpenAPI(
    sdkVersion: 'v1.1.1',
    ignoredParametersNames: ['cookie', 'X-API-Version', 'X-SDK-Version'],
    undocumentedParametersNames: ['X-Application-Version'],
    generateUnusedSchemas: true,
    brandedTypes: [
    generateRealEnums: true,
    exportNamespaces: true,

writeFileSync('src/sdk.ts', sdkContents, 'utf-8');

Sample usage with axios:

import BaseAPI, { APIStatuses } from './sdk.ts';
import axios from 'axios';
import querystring from 'querystring';
import type { RequestExecutor } from './sdk.ts';
import type { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';

const executeRequest: RequestExecutor<AxiosRequestConfig> = async (
) => {
  const callOptions = {
    baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
    url: httpRequest.path,
    method: httpRequest.method,
    headers: {
      ...(options.headers || {}),
      ...(httpRequest.headers || {}),
    params: httpRequest.params,
    data: httpRequest.body,
    paramsSerializer: querystring.stringify.bind(querystring),
    validateStatus: (status: number) =>
  const response = await axios(callOptions);

  return {
    status: response.status,
    headers: response.headers,
    body: response.data,

// Use the API
await BaseAPI.getPing(executeRequest);
await BaseAPI.getUser(executeRequest, { userId: '123' });

// Generate URIs only use the API then
await APIURIBuilders.buildGetPingURI({

// To know which method is used by an endpoint
APIMethods.getPing; // => get

// To know which status codes can be returned by an endpoint
APIStatuses.getPing; // => ["default", 200]

// Generate a complete endpoint input
// (may be useful when you want to pass
// HTTP requests to another process )

You can also safely operate on the API by doing so:

import BaseAPI, { APIStatuses } from './sdk.ts';
import config from './config';
import YError from 'yerror';
import type { RequestExecutor, Components } from './sdk.ts';
import type { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';

export { Enums };
export type { Components };

type AuthTokenInput = { token?: string };

const API = Object.keys(BaseAPI).reduce((FinalAPI, operationId) => {
  FinalAPI[operationId] = async (
    { token, ...input }: unknown & AuthTokenInput,
    options: AxiosRequestConfig = {},
  ) => {
    try {
      const response =  await BaseAPI[operationId](
          xApplicationVersion: config.applicationVersion,
          baseURL: config.apiURL,
          headers: {
              ? {
                  authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
              : {}),
      return response;
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('Got an API error:', err.stack);
      throw new YError(
        err.response?.data?.error ? 'E_API_ERROR' : 'E_UNEXPECTED_ERROR',
  return FinalAPI;
}, {}) as {
  [P in keyof typeof BaseAPI]: (
    input: Parameters<typeof BaseAPI[P]>[1] & AuthTokenInput,
    config?: AxiosRequestConfig,
  ) => Promise<ReturnType<typeof BaseAPI[P]>>;

export default API;

Finally, you may appreciate using it with the useSSR React hook to benefit from your SDK types:

import useSWR from 'swr';
import API from './api';

type Handler<I, O> = (input: I) => Promise<O>;
type HandlerInput<T> = T extends Handler<infer I, unknown> ? I : never;
type HandlerOutput<T> = T extends Handler<unknown, infer I> ? I : never;

const API_KEYS: Record<any, string> = Object.keys(API).reduce((hash, key) => {
  hash[API[key]] = key;
  return hash;
}, {});

export default function useAPISWR<T extends Handler<any, any>>(
  swrCouple: [T, HandlerInput<T>],
  options?: Parameters<typeof useSWR>[2],
) {
  const uniqueKey = swrCouple
    ? Object.keys(swrCouple[1]).reduce(
        (finalKey, key) => finalKey + key + JSON.stringify(swrCouple[1][key]),
        // Sadly, here, we cannot rely on `swrCouple[0].name` to
        // build the unicity key since the build destroys it
        API_KEYS[swrCouple[0]] + '-',
    : null;

  return useSWR<
    Awaited<HandlerOutput<T>> extends { body: infer D } ? D : never
    async () => (await swrCouple[0](swrCouple[1])).body,
    options as any,



openapi-ts-sdk-builder~generateSDKFromOpenAPI(openAPIContent, options, [typeOptions]) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Build a JS SDK from an OpenAPI file

Kind: inner method of openapi-ts-sdk-builder
Returns: Promise.<string> - The SDK JS code

Param Type Description
openAPIContent string
options Object
options.sdkVersion string The SDK version
[options.sdkName] string The SDK name (default to API)
[options.ignoredParametersNames] Array.<string> Provide a list of parameters to ignore
[options.undocumentedParametersNames] Array.<string> Provide a list of parameters to keep undocumented
[typeOptions] Object Options to be passed to the type generator

