- 0
- 1
Does libntirpc4 (>= 5.0) exist?
#44 opened by mjsf12 - 2
- 5
Missing debian packages for CephFS + Rados support
#42 opened by Thor77 - 1
nfs-ganesha 4.0: no libbtrfsutil-dev dependency
#41 opened by linuxrrze - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
debian/rules copies wrong ganesha.conf
#37 opened by christmart - 2
- 2
Ganesha 3.3 Debian Buster missing systemd file ?
#35 opened by alaunay - 4
Version Incompatibility: libntirpc-3.2 needed for nfs-ganesha (2.8 or 3.3), but only libntirpc-3.3 available
#34 opened by jthomme1 - 1
Can not install ganesha 3.2-ubuntu1~bionic2 on ubuntu 18.04: missing libntirpc3 pkg
#33 opened by skliarie - 2
Dependance problem with libtirpc1
#32 opened by Dark26dark26 - 1
release 3.x on debian stretch
#31 opened by ryno83 - 1
migrate from qt4 to qt5
#30 opened by christmart - 1
- 1
Debian packages for 2.7.2 are missing
#26 opened by ryno83 - 2
Why is RGW not packaged?
#25 opened by vlada-dudr - 2
- 1
- 1
Logrotate for ganesha-gfapi.log
#22 opened by ryno83 - 1
Packages for Jessie?
#21 opened by Boran - 0
error when: dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
#19 opened by my3157 - 2
Missing file
#18 opened by ssirag - 4
Start/manage service
#17 opened by strarsis - 1
- 3
Cannot install nfs-ganesha-fsal on ubuntu xenial
#15 opened by yuha0 - 1
Export fails - 2.5.3 Debian stretch
#14 opened by mamisoa - 1
- 1
NTIRPC_1.5.3 not found
#8 opened by ryno83 - 2
- 2
- 1
split nfs-ganesha-fsal
#2 opened by ktdreyer - 2
Debian package for release 2.5.0
#3 opened by ryno83 - 8
incomplete service configuration
#1 opened by DamienMure