NFTScan API SDK (JavaScript / TypeScript)

The NFTScan API SDK is a JavaScript / TypeScript library which provides convenience and quick access to the NFTScan's APIs, it helps developers build new experiences retrieving NFTs and data analysis. We provide a set of endpoints that enable you to fetch ERC721 and ERC1155 NFT assets as well as transactions, collections, marketplace statistics and more.

To use our APIs, You need to register an account on NFTScan open platform OpenAPI Platform and get your API-KEY for making calls to API services.

The SDK currently supports the following chains:

Blockchain Domain name Short name
Ethereum eth
BNB chain bnb
Polygon polygon
Moonbeam moonbeam
Arbitrum One arbitrum
OP Mainnet optimism
zkSync Era zksync
Linea linea
Base base
PlatON platon
Avalanche-C avalanche
Cronos cronos
Fantom fantom
Gnosis gnosis
Viction viction
Starknet starknet
Mantle mantle
Blast blast
Solana solana

The value of Short name is used in the SDK as an initialization configuration parameter.

Getting started

via npm:

npm install nftscan-api

or yarn:

yarn add nftscan-api

Then you can import and use the SDK:

import { ErcType, EvmChain, NftscanEvm } from "nftscan-api";

const config = {
  apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>", // Replace with your NFTScan API key.
  chain: EvmChain.ETH, // Replace with your chain.

const evm = new NftscanEvm(config);


import { ErcType, NftscanEvm } from "nftscan-api";

const config = {
  apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>", // Replace with your NFTScan API key.
  baseUrl: "<HTTPS_URL>" + "/api", // Or replace with a valid https URL.

const evm = new NftscanEvm(config);

The new NftscanEvm() returns an object that can query the EVM-like chain, for here it is EvmChain.ETH, which stand for the Ethereum blockchain. It must be ensured that one of the chain or baseUrl attribute is valid. A valid baseUrl supported by NFTSCAN can be found here: EVM chains.

The complete enumeration value of EvmChain includes the following:

export enum EvmChain {
  ETH = 'eth',
  BNB = 'bnb',
  POLYGON = 'polygon',
  ARBITRUM = 'arbitrum',
  OPTIMISM = 'optimism',
  ZKSYNC = 'zksync',
  LINEA = 'linea',
  Base = 'base',
  AVALANCHE = 'avalanche',
  MOONBEAM = 'moonbeam',
  PLATON = 'platon',
  CRONOS = 'cronos',
  FANTOM = 'fantom',
  GNOSIS = 'gnosis',
  VICTION = 'viction',
  STARKNET = 'starknet',

And then you can use the object evm to access to the NFTScan API, form example getAssetsByAccount, which can retrieve the assets owned by an account.

const accountAddress = "<ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>"; // Replace with the account address you want to query.
// Access asset-related APIs
  // Retrieve assets owned by an account.
  .getAssetsByAccount(accountAddress, {
    erc_type: ErcType.ERC_721, // Can be erc721 or erc1155
  .then((res) => console.log(res));

// Access transaction-related APIs 
  // Retrieve transactions by an account
  .then((res) => console.log(res));

Not only asset and transaction, but the NftscanEvm also provides several other objects, for example collection \ statistic \ other, these objects provide different types of APIs.

To query the other EVM-like chain's asset, for example 'Arbitrum', changing the config param chain to EvmChain.ARBITRUM:

const evm = new NftscanEvm({
  apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
  chain: EvmChain.ARBITRUM, 

We also support the Solana blockchain, to access the API, you just need to use new NftscanSolana() to get an object.

const sol = new NftscanSolana({ apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>" });
  .then((res) => console.log(res));


In general, NFTScan's API that supports pagination will uses the query params cursor as the paging parameter, The return data of the API call will contain the attribute next, you can pass in the next value to the next call.

For example:

let nextCursor = "";
const { content, next } = await evm.asset.getAccountMinted("<ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>", {
  cursor: nextCursor, // A cursor to retrieve the next page
  limit: 20, // Page size
// update the nextCursor
nextCursor = next;


The SDK currently supports all of the NFTScan API endpoints, The distribution of the API is consistent with the NFTScan API.

As follows:
