
Angular 2.0 style annotations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Harmony = 6 + 7;


A (sample) ES7-proposal (babel-feature) annotation collection mimicking the upcoming Angular 2.0 code-style. Write your own, contribute, and feel like a hero ... it's easy!

I'm about to battle test the code ... when done I'll come up with samples here and integrate in ng-harmony.github.io/ng-harmony demo todomvc-site ...

Roughly tested, considered beta now ... on hands on how to see gh-pages todomvc demo of ng-harmony/ng-harmony

Code Example

import { Controller, Service } from "ng-harmony/ng-harmony";
import { SomeUtilityClass, OtherUtilityClass} from "my-org/my-repo";

We can use this lib in such a way [...]

class YourThingy extends Controller.mixin(SomeUtilityClass, OtherUtilityClass) {


  • I wanted to be part of this because I liked it
  • I am a secret agent and want to test my superpowers
  • I had this idea ...
  • I want to stick with Angular 1 for now and missed this feature


I recommend the usage of jspm. This way, just base your project upon jspm and start using this lib as in the code example above.

jspm i github:ng-harmony/...

API Reference

MyMainUtil (Root-Class)

myMethod: that's a foo figther myOtherMethod: that's just a bar of gold


digest: my stomach is full, too much pizzs, should have left it for the cat


Drop me an email at at dot
