
This is SqLite extension to use lookup functions by libmaxminddb.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This SqLite extension provides asn() org() cc() functions for lookup ASN, CountryCode from IP adresses. `ipmask(), ip6mask()' help to translate to prefixes easily.


  • prepares libmaxminddb install from package system, or build from source.

  • downloads geolite2 (its one of available contents) put $HOME/.maxminddb/

(on Windows) to %HOMEPATH%.maxminddb\

$ make
$ LD_PRELOAD=libmaxminddb.so sqlite3
sqlite> .load ./maxminddb
sqlite> select asn(''), org(''), cc('');
15169|Google LLC|US
sqlite> select asn(''), org(''), cc('');
sqlite> select ipmask('', 24);


  • This extension depends on GeoIP2-Lite, or it is other way to create a custom MaxMind DB File.

  • It will process no error in the case of success IP lookup and failure getting value. Unresolveble IP is usual.

  • This extension loads mmdb file from fixed directory. I'd like to consider better way to load any mmdb file to library.

  • It is useful to write '.load /pathto/maxminddb' into $HOME/.sqliterc.

  • Although maxmind/libmaxminddb is available on Windows/OS X, I don't cater for them. Now I only check on x86_64 on ubuntu 16.

  • Update for Windows tentatively. Error message doesn't print correctly.

copy sqlite3.h, sqlite3ext.h from SQLITE3 site on same directory.

clone libmaxminddb on same directory.

run build.bat, then maxminddb.dll will be generated.