
angular jspm material-design example

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angular jspm material-design example

ng-next is AngularJS 1.x using ...

  • jspm.
    • jspm is a package manager for the SystemJS universal module loader, built on top of the dynamic ES6 module loader
    • Load any module format (ES6, AMD, CommonJS and globals) directly from any endpoint such as npm and github with flat versioned dependency management.
    • For development, load modules as separate files with ES6 and plugins compiled in the browser.
    • For production, optimize into a bundle, layered bundles or a self-executing bundle with a single command."
  • angular material design
  • ES6
  • ES6 classes for angular controllers and services
  • Controller As syntax
  • abstracts away angular modules in favor of ES6 modules (import)

... trying to make it easy to migrate to Angular 2.x at some point in the future.


have the following node modules installed globally:

  • jspm, gulp

git clone git@github.com:ng-next/ng-next-example.git

cd ng-next-example

npm install

Building, Serving

serve tasks build and then serve with live-reloading (using BrowserSync). you can skip live-reloading by appending the parameter --nosync.

build tasks, well, they just do the build.

serve-dev / build-dev (transpiling ES6 on the fly)

serve-build / build (pre-transpiling, bundling, optimizing)

serve-debug-build / build-debug (pre-transpiling, bundling with sourcemaps)

serve-production / build-production (pre-transpiling, bundling, optimizing, copying to public folder, file revisioning)


build everything into a single html file (for now without including assests).

gulp build-standalone-html

npm start

browse to localhost:3000


gulp test single run gulp autotest for rerunning tests on file changes

or npm test (which gets executed by CI server)

Code Coverage

generating code coverage is still a bit problematic and error prone. as soon as there's a reliable solution, coverage will show up in the header banner.

Running tests in Jetbrains Webstorm IDE

currently some strange things happen when running tests within Webstom. So for the moment make sure to only run tests on the command line. We're working on it.