
Angular storage module for handling localStorage and sessionStorage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular Storage

  • Session Storage
  • Local Storage

Angular Storage Module - provides $sessionStorage and $localStorage factories.

Each $sessionStorage and $localStorage implements save interface. Content of storage is serialized via JSON.stringify when content saving item and parsed via JSON.parse when item is pulled from storage.

Include module: tseed.storage

Install via bower: bower install tseed-angular-storage


  • .put('index', 'value') - saves item to storage.
  • .get('index') - gets item from storage.
  • .has('index') - checks if item exists in storage.
  • .remove('index') - removes item from storage.
  • .clear() - clears all items from storage.
  • .keys() - returns list of keys stored in storage.


function StorageController($localStorage) {
	var count = $localStorage.has('count') 
		? $localStorage.get('count')
		: 0;
	console.log('Page Open Times: ' + count);
	$localStorage.put('count', count++);