Clone of the EASTL library taken from http://gpl.ea.com/

Primary LanguageC

                        -- About this library --

At http://gpl.ea.com you can download some open-source packages in zip files.
Deep inside some of these zip files is C++ code for the EASTL library, a
replacement for the STL. I'm not sure if these packages include the complete
library, but it seems to have all of the fundamentals.

This github project only exists to offer up these files in a more convenient
way, under the terms of EA's license. License terms can be found embedded in
the source files.

If you're just browsing, then most of the good stuff is under include/EASTL/

To learn more about EASTL, go here:

                              -- Usage --

Add the 'include' directory to your include path, and the contents of 'src'
to your project's source files. (Alternatively, you could try to compile the
files inside 'src' into a shared library).

You'll need to implement a few functions used by EASTL, such as two overloads
of operator new[], Vsnsprintf8, and possibly others. See example/example.cpp for
some sample code. There is also a wealth of compiler flags to choose from, see
include/EASTL/internal/config.h and include/EABase/config/* . For more detailed
documentation, you'll have to read the source code. :)