
JavaScript ES6 Exercise

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ES6 Feature Demos

  1. Variables
  2. Objects
  3. Destructuring
  4. Default Parameters
  5. Arrow Functions
  6. Async/Await
  7. Modules


  • TDD-style exercises: ES6 Katas
  • Can I Use
    • These fancy new features get supported by browsers and versions of node at different times. It's a gotcha. caniuse is a great resource for finding browser compatibility.
  • Using a tool like babel -- a "transpiler"/compiler is one way to make sure the ES6 we write is safe for all browsers.
    • In-browser editor for seeing ES6 "transpile" to old JavaScript/ES5: babel repl
    • Try the demos and exercises in this repo in the repl to practice writing ES6 and see how it translates to JavaScript/ES5
  • Another solution used in conjunction or separate is to "polyfill":
  • ES6 in context, tutorial with an app
  • ES6 features with their ES5 equivalent
  • A brief history