
This is my starter pack for CodeIgniter project. This pack using 2.2.1 version of CodeIgniter. But I added some tools for quick usage.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is my starter pack for CodeIgniter project. This pack using 2.2.1 version of CodeIgniter. But I added some tools for quick usage.

  • Composer
  • Laravel/Blade Template Engine
  • Enviroment Manager
  • Symfony/Console
  • Facades
  • Bower.io
  • Gulp


$ git clone https://github.com/ozziest/ci-starter.git
$ cd ci-starter
$ composer update
$ npm update 
$ bower update
$ chmod -R 777 app/cache 
$ chmod -R 777 app/logs


First of all, you must set environment options in public_html/index.php;

$environment = new Ahir\Environment\Environment;
                'local' => ['hostname']

After then, you can create .env.local.php in root directory;

return [
		'environment' => 'development',
		'username'    => '',
		'password'    => '',
		'database'    => ''

If you are using the application on production, you must define .env.production.php in root directory.

That's it! Enjoy the fun!



You can use Laravel/Blade template engine in your project;

View::make('view_file', ['title' => 'CI-Starter']);

Laravel/Blade Documentation


We have a simple console app in CI-Starter. You can use root directory for the console;

$ php console

Console has two command for maintenance mode;

$ php console down 
$ php console up

You can see more information about console; Symfony/Console


You can define new facades in app/facades folder like this;

use Ahir\Facades\Facade;

class View extends Facade {

     * Get the connector name of main class
     * @return string
    public static function getFacadeAccessor() 
        return 'App\View';


You can see more information about facades; Ahir/Facades