Full webstack for PHP developing - LEMP - Centos 7, Nginx, Percona Database, PHP-FPM 5
- Vagrant with Virtual Box
- Ansible
Get Centos 7 Box
You can create clean - fresh your centos 7 base box. This is my guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MXsEFN6GFrRGJqcIsuTJAXqLXaHFPcx7Np_6WnZzBo8/view?usp=sharing
You can download my clear - fresh centos 7 base box: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B03Th23o5fswV3ZNWEFSNTRHdkk/view?usp=sharing
Default installed account:
- root/gxccms.com
- vagrant/gxccms.com
Check out this git. Type this command:
git clone git@github.com:gxcsoft/ansible-lemp-centos7.git
Local vagrant developement machine
- Move to check out folder
- vagrant box add gxc your_centos_7_box_location
- vagrant up
- vagrant provision (to run ansible if vagrant up is not run provision automatically)
- vagrant ssh (access to your new virtual machine)
Production server
- Move to check_out_folder/ansible
- Create your_server_role_config.yml. Here is an example:
--- - hosts: host_config_name sudo: yes roles: - common - percona - nginx - php-fpm-55 - nginx-conf
- Add server ip address in to hosts. Here is an example:
[host_config_name] 128.199.179.xx
- Type this command to run ansible (ansible must be installed)
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts -u your_server_ssh_account your_server_role_config.yml
Any questions? Please add new issue or send me an email tung@gxccms.com