

mjml-readytogo is a website to generate automatically templates matching a brand, based on their logo, color and name.

How it works

A set of MJML templates has been created for you and is customized based on your brand's assets. From there, the HTML version of each template is generated.

Each template is using MJML which makes them all responsive in major email clients.

What to do with the templates

If you're happy with the templates

You can start using the templates either by:

  • Uploading the MJML version of your templates directly in Mailjet as it supports MJML natively
  • Uploading the HTML version of your templates in any ESP as they don't support MJML natively

If you're not happy yet with the templates

Just customize the MJML version so it's easy for you to make it match your taste without having to deal with email HTML.

Not familiar with MJML? Head over to mjml.io.


[x] Generate templates by asking the company name, color and logo to the user [ ] Generate templates automatically from the company website URL [x] Create a nice website [x] Landing page for the generated templates [ ] Add more templates [x] Integrate templates in iframes [x] Add a button to download all templates at once [x] Add random templates