
Superbfresh - Online Grocery Marketplace

Primary LanguagePython

Superbfresh - Online Grocery Marketplace


  • Superbfresh is an online grocery marketplace based on B2C model.

Technology Stack

  • Language: Python3
  • Framework: Django
  • Asynchronous Task Queue: Celery
  • Database: Amazon RDS (MySQL)
  • In-memory data store & cache: Amazon ElastiCache (Redis)
  • Cloud storage: Amazon S3
  • Email service: Amazon SES
  • Payment + Webhooks: Stripe
  • Search Engine: Amazon ElasticSearch
  • Virtual Server: Amazon EC2
  • Web server gateway: uwsgi
  • Web server proxy: nginx

Software Architecture Diagram


Implemented functionalities

  • Backend function modules
    • User module
      • Register
      • Login
      • Logout
      • Email activation (celery + Amazon SES)
      • User center
      • Address
    • Goods module
      • Home page view (Generate static homepage through Celery, serve it from Static Content Web Server)
      • Goods detail view
      • Goods list view
      • Signal processing (When admin add/delete a product, it should also be indexed/removed from the ElasticSearch documents)
    • Cart module (Redis)
      • Get cart item
      • Add cart item
      • Remove cart item
      • Update cart item
    • Order module
      • Confirm order (in place_order view )
      • Commit order
      • Pay order (through Stripe)
      • Check order result & status
      • Comment ordered item
    • Webhooks module
      • Check order result & status (Stripe's webhooks)
    • Search module
      • Search item based on item's title, description & type (Amazon ElasticSearch)
      • Analyzer: html_strip
      • Tokenizer: letter
      • Filter: lowercase, stop, snowball
      • Char_filter: html_strip

General Setup

  • Install all dependency / packages pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • See instruction below to setup each services
  • Remember to set your own nginx & uwsgi configuration

Setup EC2

Setup Database

Setup Redis

Setup Celery

  • Intro to Celery
  • Used as a mechanism to distribute work across machines, for horizontal scaling purpose.
  • Used for sending email asynchronously
    1. Submitting task to Redis (broker) endpoint as a task queue
    2. Celery worker in remote server will get a task from Redis and perform the task
  • Start a worker in remote server, remember to clone your function modules to the remote server
  • For development and testing
    • celery -A celery_tasks.tasks worker -l info
  • For running celery worker in background

Setup mail service

  • Setup Amazon SES
  • NOTE:
    • Remember to request for increasing your SES Sending Limits and move out of Amazon SES sandbox to send email to others without pre-registered their email in SES console.

Setup TinyMCE editor

Storing images in cloud

Setup Stripe for payment & webhooks

  • Install Stripe Python Library

  • Stripe API docs

  • Setting Up Webhooks

  • Setup ngrok

    • To make your local ec2 endpoint available for receiving events (in https scheme)
    • Fire up in background nohup ngrok http <port> &
      • Ex: nohup ngrok http 80 &
    • To get the https_public_url, use curl
    • Pass this public_url as webhooks url with your api's url appended behind it.
      • Ex: <ngrok_url>/<api>/<path>
  • To test Stripe payment

    • Credit card: 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • Expired Date: Set to future date
    • CSV: any number

Setup AWS ElasticSearch

  • Intro to Amazon Elasticsearch Service

  • Install elasticsearch-py

  • Install elasticsearch-dsl-py

  • In this application, you can search item through item's name, description and types.

    • Ex1 via item's name: grapes
    • Ex2 via item's description: sweet
    • Ex3 via item's types: fruit
  • NOTE

    1. Expose TYPE=HTTPS, PROTOCOL=TCP, PORT=443 in your AWS Security Group (ex: es-sg)
    2. To index your datasets
      • Go to your python shell python manage.py shell
      • Import the bulk function from apps.search.documents import bulk_indexing
      • Start bulk indexing of specific document bulk_indexing()
      • Start bulk deleting of specific document bulk_deleting()

Setup Application Load Balancer (using Nginx on EC2)

  • Setup nginx on EC2
  • Serve static files in nginx, before that make sure to run python manage.py collectstatic in application server
  • Reload nginx nginx -s reload
  • Configure your nginx config depends on your software architecture diagram.

Setup uWSGI settings & configuration (web server gateway interface)

  • Setup uWSGI
  • Loading configuration files in background
    • uwsgi --ini <uwsgi.ini>
  • Stopping the uWSGI server
    • uwsgi --stop <uwsgi.pid>

Collect staticfiles


  • For integrating AWS services, please read the official docs provided above, and also make sure to configure your security groups (inbound / outbound) rules to allowed their access to your EC2 instances.
