
Software to parse ocean optics spec files

Primary LanguagePython

Basic Instructions:

    usage: Spec.py [-h] [-i IN_DIR] [-o OUT_FILE] [--header] [--min-nm MIN_NM]
                   [--max-nm MAX_NM] [--intrp INTRP] [-s]
                   [--window-type {flat,hanning,hamming,bartlett,blackman}]
                   [--window-length WINDOW_LENGTH] [-p] [-v] [--version]

    Convert directory of Spec Files to CSV, interpolate nanometers, and smooth and
    plot data.

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i IN_DIR, --input-dir IN_DIR
                            The input directory containing the spec files.
      -o OUT_FILE, --output-file OUT_FILE
                            A csv file to contain the merged specs suitable for
                            opening in excel.
      --header              Setting this flag will skip headers.
      --min-nm MIN_NM       Lowest nm to include. Default is 400 nm.
      --max-nm MAX_NM       Highest nm to include. Default is 700 nm.
      --intrp INTRP         Interpolate nm increments. Default is 1 nm.
      -s, --smooth          Add smoothing function. Default is a 100 nm hanning
      --window-type {flat,hanning,hamming,bartlett,blackman}
      --window-length WINDOW_LENGTH
                            Window size for smoothing. Longer is more aggressive.
                            Default is 100.
      -p, --plot            Produce interactive plots with matplotlib.
      -v, -verbose          Write verbose output (non functional).
      --version             Print version.

Screen Shot:
