
Decoding Facebook's GraphQL API schema

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains my work on reverse engineering Facebook's GraphQL API. Several versions of com.facebook.katana are known to distribute the API's schema. In a binary encoded form.

Using the files provided in this repository one can generate the type information. Present in the binary representation.

A decoded version is also provided in fb_graphql_types.json. A python module to aid in decoding FlatBuffers binaries is provided in fbs.py.


To generate the graphql_types.json file, download Facebook for Android(v230.
Then run apktool d -r com.facebook.katana.apk.
Run flatc --json --strict-json --raw-binary graph_metadata.fbs -- graph_metadata.bin.
graph_metadata.bin is found in the assets directory.
And ./schema.py graph_metadata.json >fb_graphql_types.json.


This work has been inspired by fbchat.