
Repository for "Library" Oracle Database Project from Technical University made using Oracle SQL.

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Database project

Assignment - "Library"

To design and implement a LIBRARY database that will store the following information:

Book – title, author, year of publication, publisher, genre;
Employee – name, position, telephone;
Reader – name, phone number;
Borrowing – book, reader, employee, borrowing date, term.


• Each book can be currently occupied by only one reader;
• Each book has one author and one publisher.

The database must be normalized and allow:

  1. Entering and correcting data.
  2. Search / borrow books by: author, keywords from the title, genre.
  3. References for:
    • books borrowed by a reader;
    • unreturned books, sorted by date.

The explanatory note to the project must contain:

• Task
• Models (Oracle Data Modeler) - 6 week
• Sample data - 9 week
• SQL commands - DDL, DML
• Results of the execution of requests - 12 week

Project development

The following programming languages were used for the development of the project:

  1. Oracle SQL

And the following tools:

  1. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
  2. Oracle SQL Developer



Relational model


Logic model
