
ui-form-field based on formik - a simple way to work with Forms in React.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

A simple way to work with Forms in React.

🌟 Features

  • Lightweight: 22 kb
  • Render different form layouts: Bootstrap 4, Semantic UI, Spectre and more. (including horizontal layout, inline fields)
  • Compatible with formik. This is built on top of formik and can be used together with it (for custom fields, etc.)
  • Support custom advanced field types: react-select, multi-select, tag input with auto-complete.
  • Simplify use cases like: Dynamic (conditional) field rendering, mixing with other components within the form, custom fields.
  • Works well on mobile screens.
$ npm install ui-form-field

import 'ui-form-field/lib/css/bootstrap4.css';
import { FormContainer, Form, Field, Button } from 'ui-form-field';
import { SingleSelect, MultiSelect } from 'ui-form-field/lib/custom'; // requires 'react-select'

<FormContainer onSubmit={this.onSubmit} render={props => (
  <Form use="bootstrap4">
    <Field label="Text" name="text" />
    <Field name="password" />
    <Field textarea name="textarea" />
    <Field select options={animals} name="select" />
    <Field radios options={genders} name="radio" />
    <Field checkboxes options={roles} name="checkboxes" />
    <Field checkbox name="singleCheckbox" />
    <Field custom={SingleSelect} options={animals} name="singleSelect" />
    <Field custom={MultiSelect} options={animals} name="multiSelect" />
    <Field tagSelect name="tags" options={tags} />
    <Field number name="number" />
    <Field date name="date" />
    <Field time name="time" />
    <Field toggle inline name="toggle" />
    <Field file label="File Upload" name="file1" />
    <Field file withPreview label="File Upload (with Preview)" name="file2" />
    <Field range name="range" />

    <Button type="submit"/>
)} />

RESULT: (Full form, validation (with yup) & error messages)


📖 Development

$ yarn dev        Start Dev mode
$ yarn test       Run tests (jest & puppeteer in headless mode)
$ yarn build      Build (output to ./lib)

$ yarn postbuild  Copy sources or pre-built files to "lib" for publishing to npm. (Note: this will override built files)

📖 Documentation

Change Log


  • Support more form layouts: Material, etc.
  • More field types: Date Range, etc.
  • (File a PR to request any feature, field type, etc.)

🙌 Thanks

All contributions are welcome!
