
A query parser for REST-APIs based on CodeIgniter

Primary LanguagePHP

CodeIgniter API Query Parser

Simple request query parameter parser for REST-APIs based on CodeIgniter framework. Works for both CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4.

Inspired by Lumen API Query Parser


  • PHP 5.6 or above
  • CodeIgniter 3 or CodeIgniter 4
  • PHPSQLParser ^4.5


You just need to use composer and everything is done.

composer require ngekoding/codeigniter-api-query-parser


Here is the example for CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4. Actually there is no different by the use of the library, just different how to create the query builder.

CodeIgniter 3 Example

// CodeIgniter 3 Example

// Get a query builder
// Please note: we don't need to call ->get() here
$queryBuilder = $this->db->select('p.*, c.name category')
                    ->from('posts p')
                    ->join('categories c', 'c.id=p.category_id');

 * The first parameter is the query builder instance
 * and the second is the codeigniter version (3 or 4) 
$queryParser = new \Ngekoding\CodeIgniterApiQueryParser\QueryParser($queryBuilder);
$result = $queryParser->applyParams(); // done


The above example will output an array with data and pagination:

    [data] => Array
            [0] => ...
            [1] => ...
    [pagination] => Array
            [current_page] => int
            [per_page] => int
            [from] => int
            [to] => int
            [total] => int
            [last_page] => int
            [links] => Array
                    [first] => string
                    [prev] => string or null
                    [next] => string or null
                    [last] => string

CodeIgniter 4 Example

The different only by the way to create the Query Builder.

// CodeIgniter 4 Example

$db = db_connect();
$queryBuilder = $db->from('posts p')
                   ->select('p.*, c.name category')
                   ->join('categories c', 'c.id=p.category_id');

$queryParser = new \Ngekoding\CodeIgniterApiQueryParser\QueryParser($queryBuilder);
$result = $queryParser->applyParams(); // done


Query Syntax


Q: /users?filter[]=name:ct:admin
R: will return the array of the users whose names contains the admin string

Available filter options

Operator Description Example
ct String contains name:ct:Peter
nct String NOT contains name:nct:Peter
sw String starts with username:sw:admin
ew String ends with email:ew:gmail.com
eq Equals level:eq:3
ne Not equals level:ne:4
gt Greater than level:gt:2
ge Greater than or equal level:ge:3
lt Less than level:lt:4
le Less than or equal level:le:3
in In array level:in:1,2,3


Q: /users?sort[]=name:ASC
R: will return the array of the users sort by their names ascending


Q: /users?limit=10&page=3
R: will return a part of the array of the users (from the 21st to 30th)

Column Alias

When working with SQL expression in selecting data or using join with ambiguous column name, the library automatically will try to find the original column name or its expression to use for the filter feature. But, you can still manually define the column alias for better use, expecially to resolving the ambiguous column name when using join.

For example, joining posts table with categories table in the example above will return an id from the posts table. So, when we try to get the data with id 1, 2 or 3 (SQL WHERE IN) using filter[]=id:in:1,2,3 we get the ambiguous column error.

Here is the column alias to solve it.

$queryParser = new \Ngekoding\CodeIgniterApiQueryParser\QueryParser($queryBuilder);

// Tell that the `id` is `p.id` (posts table id)
$queryParser->addColumnAlias('id', 'p.id');

// Or add multiple aliases at once
    'id' => 'p.id',
    'title' => 'p.title'

$result = $queryParser->applyParams(); // done