- aaronferrucciJoby Aviation
- akerholtenRed Thread Games
- alexdrouillard
- allenderUndead Labs
- aravind2612krishna
- bobdoah
- cujunSamsung Electronics
- cyliangSynopsys Inc.
- demizerNvidia
- dnguyen85Drexel University
- eugesdAlbany, CA
- evanratt
- gfixler
- gyroknight@NVIDIA
- haydenmeade@anzx
- hulucc
- johannboehme
- jordypotmanEindhoven, The Netherlands
- julianorchardeu-west-2|uksouth|europe-west2
- liyechenShanghai
- lvyisu123
- ngemilyToronto, ON
- nikita-blizniuk-globant
- nxthuan512University of Toronto
- obugss
- OscBacon@owlprotocol @vulcanlink
- r-rathi
- RedRustyC
- resoliwan
- rohanghige
- saumyajyoti@intel-private
- SeanMcLoughlinAmpere Computing
- ShihiraJinan University
- TummanapallyAnuraagQualcomm
- typonToronto