
The code that corresponds with this blog post on writing a script to make reservations for me on opentable

Getting started

Python 3+ required

Install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up the environment variables (section below)

Change the variables in

Run the file



You must set up some environment variables first, and have some details about your OpenTable account beforehand.

Variable Description Required
BEARER_TOKEN Your bearer token from an intercepted OpenTable network request Yes
FROM_PHONE_NUMBER The twilio number that will be sending the text notifications
TO_PHONE_NUMBER The phone number that text messages will go to, and that is associated with your opentable account Yes
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_TOKEN Twilio account token
OPENTABLE_GPID Open table GID from a previous request Yes
OPENTABLE_DINERID Opentable diner id for your profile Yes

Config has the required configuration. I haven't added setup


You can set up whatever preferred running solution you like. I set mine up with cron.

crontab -e

With an entry of

* * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/jonluca/opentable/

You can set up your cron schedule how you'd like. I set mine up to check every minute, but you can use this tool to configure yours.


  • Authentication endpoint so that you don't need to already have your bearer token and diner ID
  • Restaurant search so that you don't need to already know the ID of the restaurant you're looking for
  • Deletion endpoint (Not sure if this is useful? But maybe if this turns into an API)
  • Date exclusions - make it so that you can exclude specific dates that don't work
  • Support multiple restaurants being watched at the same time
  • Support restaurants that require a credit card