
Shine, an Angular.JS and Ruby on Rails internal-facing customer service portal

Primary LanguageRuby

Welcome to Shine, an Angular.JS and Ruby on Rails internal-facing customer service portal.

This Git repo is to chronicle my first attempt at integrating an Angular.JS frontend, Ruby on Rails backend and PostgreSQL data store to produce a responsive and rich UI experience for an imaginary internal-facing customer service portal. I will be using this tutorial and signups will be limited to users with an example.com domain email address.


  1. Visit the site hosted at heroku here and sign up with any example.com domain email address. E.g.: abc123@example.com.
  2. Once logged in, follow the link to the customers dashboard.
  3. Begin typing a regular name such as Bob; typeahead search is triggered after 3 characters. Each subsequent character will renew the search results below.
  4. Click the View Details... button. This information is drawn from a postgres materialized view. Try to amend the fields to interact with dynamic error messages. Saving information here updates the relevant tables.


Angular.JS 1.4

Bootstrap 3


Ruby 2.2

Rails 4.2.4

Devise 3.5

Data Store

PostgreSQL 9.4


RSpec (latest)

Teaspoon, Jasmin (latest)

Capybara, Poltergeist, PhantomJS (latest)