This Git repo is to chronicle my first attempt at integrating an Angular.JS frontend, Ruby on Rails backend and PostgreSQL data store to produce a responsive and rich UI experience for an imaginary internal-facing customer service portal. I will be using this tutorial and signups will be limited to users with an domain email address.
- Visit the site hosted at heroku here and sign up with any domain email address. E.g.:
- Once logged in, follow the link to the customers dashboard.
- Begin typing a regular name such as Bob; typeahead search is triggered after 3 characters. Each subsequent character will renew the search results below.
- Click the View Details... button. This information is drawn from a postgres materialized view. Try to amend the fields to interact with dynamic error messages. Saving information here updates the relevant tables.
Angular.JS 1.4
Bootstrap 3
Ruby 2.2
Rails 4.2.4
Devise 3.5
PostgreSQL 9.4
RSpec (latest)
Teaspoon, Jasmin (latest)
Capybara, Poltergeist, PhantomJS (latest)