
Automated Differential Testing for OCaml Modules

Primary LanguageOCaml

Mica: Automated Differential Testing for OCaml Modules

OCaml-CI Build Status view - Documentation

  1. Overview
  2. Description of source files
  3. Examples
  4. Building & running
  5. Example (finite sets)
  6. Performance Benchmarks
  7. Dependencies
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. Origin of name
  10. References


Mica checks whether two OCaml modules implementing the same signature are observationally equivalent. Mica does this by parsing the signature & automatically generating property-based testing (PBT) code specialised to the signature.

Presented at the ICFP '23 Student Research Competition.

ICFP SRC documents:

Other talks on Mica:

Description of source files

Core components of Mica:

  • Parser.ml: parser utility functions, modified from the Angstrom parser-combinator library
  • ParserTypes.ml: Datatypes defining an AST for OCaml module signatures
  • ModuleParser.ml: Parser for OCaml module signatures
  • CodeGenerator.ml: Takes a parsed AST representing a module signature & generates specialized PBT code
  • CmdLineParser.ml: Parses user input from the command line

Auxiliary utility files:

  • Utils.ml: Utility functions for the code generator
  • Stats.ml: Functions for examining the distribution of randomly generated symbolic expressions
  • Latin.ml: QuickCheck generator for Latin words (taken from Lorem Ipsum placeholder text)

Benchmark suites:

  • Mica_QC_Bench.ml: Benchmarks Mica's parser, code generator & the auto-generated PBT executables
  • Mica_Bench.ml: Benchmarks Mica's parser & code generator only


The lib directory also contains five example module signatures, each of which has two different implementations. Mica has been tested extensively with these five pairs of modules.

The code for these example modules has been adapted from various sources, listed in the references section of this README.

1. Finite Sets (Lists & BSTs)

2. Regex matchers (Brzozowski derivatives & DFAs)

3. Polynomials (Horner schema & list folds)

4. Functional Maps (Association lists & Red-black trees)

5. Stacks (List & algebraic data type representations)

Building & running

Run make (or dune build) to build and compile the library.
Run make install to install dependencies.


dune exec -- mica [.ml file containing signature] [.ml file containing 1st module] [.ml file containing 2nd module]

This command runs Mica and creates two new files:

  1. lib/Generated.ml (contains PBT code for testing an OCaml module)
  2. bin/compare_impls.ml (code for an executable that tests two modules for observational equivalence)

To run the generated executable, run dune exec -- compare_impls.

Example (finite sets)

  dune exec -- mica lib/sets/SetInterface.ml lib/sets/ListSet.ml lib/sets/BSTSet.ml

This runs Mica on the Set example above, checking if the ListSet and BSTSet modules both correctly implement the interface SetInterface.
The files GeneratedSetPBTCode.ml and GeneratedSetExecutable.ml contain PBT code that is automatically generated by Mica.

Performance Benchmarks

  • Run dune exec -- mica_qc_bench to benchmark both Mica's code-generation executable & the auto-generated PBT executables on all example modules
  • Run dune exec -- mica_bench to benchmark only the main Mica executable
    • When this option is selected, the auto-generated PBT executables will not be benchmarked

The following table contains performance benchmarks for Mica on the five example module signatures.
Benchmarks were conducted on an 2023 M2 Macbook Pro using Jane Street's Core_bench library, which estimates Mica's runtime over a large no. of runs (~1000) using linear regression (link).

Example Module Signature Runtime of Mica Parser & Code Generator Runtime of Auto-Generated PBT executable
Sets 309.25 μs 2.55 ns
Stacks 361.08 μs 2.54 ns
Polynomials 302.82 μs 2.57 ns
Maps 262.84 μs 2.56 ns
Regexes 266.61 μs 2.57 ns


Please see mica.opam for a full list of dependencies. Mica has been tested primarily with versions 4.13.1 & 5.0.0 of the OCaml base compiler (on an M1 Mac).


I'm incredibly fortunate to have two fantastic advisors: Harry Goldstein & Prof. Benjamin Pierce. Harry & Benjamin have provided lots of useful feedback on the design of Mica, and I'm extremely grateful for their mentorship.

I'd also like to thank:

  • Penn's PLClub for their feedback on my presentation slides
  • Jan Midtggard (Tarides) & Carl Eastlund (Jane Street) for answering my questions about QCSTM and Core.Quickcheck
  • Cassia Torczon for the idea behind the name Mica

Origin of name

Mica stands for "Module-Implementation Comparison Automation". Mica is also a type mineral commonly found in rocks -- this name was inspired by several relevant OCaml libraries that are also named after stones/rocks:

  • Monolith (Randomised testing tool for OCaml modules)
  • Opal (parser combinator library)
  • Menhir (parser library)
  • Obelisk (pretty-printer for Menhir)


The code for the example modules has been adapted from the following sources:

Finite Sets:

Regex matchers:

  • Harry Goldstein's livestream on regex derivatives & DFAs


Functional maps:
