
Clone of https://git.sr.ht/~tsdh/swayr

Primary LanguageNix

Nix flake for Swayr (a window switcher (and more) for sway)

See https://todo.sr.ht/~tsdh/swayr.

This is a flake to provide the package for nixos systems using flakes.

To use with nixos system flake, add the following to /etc/nixos/flake.nix: swayr.url = "github:ngerstle/swayr-clone"; to inputs; define an overlay in the output section, after adding swayr as an input:

      swayr-overlay = (final: prev: { swayr = swayr.packages.${prev.system}.swayr; });

then apply the overlay in your system:

    nixosConfigurations.SOMEHOST = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      modules = [
        { nixpkgs.overlays = [ swayr-overlay ]; }

It can then be accessed in configuration.nix/home-manger/etc using the standard pkgs.swayr