
The AI-Driven Social Media Dashboard solutions provides customers with a CloudFormation template that is easy to deploy to use Amazon Translate, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Athena, and Amazon QuickSight to build a natural-language-processing (NLP)-powered social media dashboard for tweets.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT No AttributionMIT-0

AI-Driven Social Media Dashboard

Voice of customer analytics through social media: Build a social media dashboard using artificial intelligence and business intelligence services.

Organizations want to understand how customers perceive them and who those customers are. For example, what factors are driving the most positive and negative experiences for their offerings? Social media interactions between organizations and customers are a great way to evaluate this and deepen brand awareness. Understanding these conversations are a low-cost way to acquire leads, improve website traffic, develop customer relationships, and improve customer service. Since these conversations are all in unstructured text format, it is difficult to scale the analysis and get the full picture.

OS/Python Environment Setup

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zip sed wget -y

Building Lambda Package

cd deployment
./build-s3-dist.sh source-bucket-base-name version

source-bucket-base-name should be the base name for the S3 bucket location where the template will source the Lambda code from. The template will append '-[region_name]' to this value. version should be a version S3 key prefix For example: ./build-s3-dist.sh solutions v1.0 The template will then expect the source code to be located in the solutions-[region_name]/ai-driven-social-media-dashboard/v1.0/

CF template and Lambda function

Located in deployment/dist

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