
Build own Movies Database using TMDB API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Movie Database 2

2x Fast, Optimized and Beautiful

Get Started

Requirements and Features

Requirements {#requirements_and_features_requirements}

  • Apache or Nginx Webserver
  • PHP 5.3 +
  • PHP Zlib
  • Youtube API key
  • TMDB API Key
  • Facebook APP ID and Secret

Features {#requirements_and_features_features}

  • Bootstrap 3
  • Mobile first, Responsive Design
  • TMDB API Integration
  • Youtube API Integration
  • Facebook API Integration
  • Administration panel
  • Cache system
  • Translation System (100% web manageable)
  • Advertisement management 
  • Coded 100% object-oriented
  • 100% automatic movie poster 
  • Easy Installation
  • User profile pages
  • User movie collections


Upload all the files to your webserver and then visit http://example.com/install.php to proceed with installation.

Step 1:

Installer will first check if your server meets the requirement.

If you see Errors in red color, please correct them before moving to next step, otherwise if all check values are green,
then you can proceed to next step.

Step 2:

Assuming you already have database setup, enter your Database credentials and proceed to next step.

Host: Database IP address, if you do not know what is this, just enter: locahost

Database Name: Enter database Name

Username: Enter database username

Password: Enter database password

Step 3:

if you get two success messages saying Database configuration file is created and Database queries are executed then you can continue to Step 4.

If you get Notice saying, Database configuration file could not be created, you will need to create it manually.

FTP to your server and navigate to Application/Config/ directory.

create new file with filename 'database.php' and paste configuration provided in grey box on installation page.

Step 4:

All settings values are required, Once you fill out all fileds you can continue to Step 5, use links provided next to field to obrain all information needed.

Step 5:

Congratulations, Application is set up. Please remove 'install.php' form your server.


**Important!**Everytime you make changes from administration panel, you will have to clear the cache, including making changes to Translation, Settings or Pages.

Cache Clear button is located on Administration Homepage.


  • Shows Users activity and website basic statistics.


  • Static pages management tool, four pages are provided with basic content, you may need to update content to match your website.


  • You can replace the values of already build ads to display your ads or you can create new ad. Please note that you will have to modify .phtml files to activate your new ad(s). for example if you create new ad with size "668x60" you will have to use this code in .phtml file:

   $localAd = array();

   foreach ($this->ads as $ad):

        if ($ad['adSize'] == "668x60"):

            $localAd[] = $ad['adValue'];



    if (!empty($localAd)):


        echo $localAd[0];




  • Shows users authenticated via Facbook


  • You can add multiple administrators, there must be at least one administrator


  • You can add new languages and translate right from the web page. if you need to delete language, please use delete button next to language, DO NOT try to delete translation phrases one by one as it will delete for every language.


  • Settings should be setup during installation, this page will allow you to add/modify/delete settings.


If for some reason you need to disable output compression open up index.php and on line 12, change:

define('COMPRESS_OUTPUT', true);


define('COMPRESS_OUTPUT', false);

If application is running in **DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT **compression will be automatically disabled.


Only configuration that is out of the admin panel is Caching and Default Language setting, to edit these configurations open up Application/Config/application.ini file, on line 5, you can Enable or Disable Caching system by changing

EnableCaching = true


EnableCaching = false

Cache time is defined in seconds on line 8, default 86400 (1 day)

CacheTime = 86400;

if you would like to change default language, you can do so on line 10:

DefaultLanguage = "en"

Have fun.