Note React Native

Install React Native

Install NodeJS

brew install node

Install Watchman

brew install watchman

Install React Native CLI

npm install -g react-native-cli

Init Project and Build Project React Native

Init Project

react-native init ProjectName

Build Project

Go to Project Folder and run following code.


react-native run-android


react-native run-ios

Phím tắt trong React Native sử dụng Visual Code

  • imr Import React
  • imrc Import React Component
  • imrn Import React-Native Element
  • ims Import Styled-Components
  • imsn Import Styled-Components Native
  • rct Redux constant
  • crr Connect Redux
  • sl Stateless Component
  • slr Stateless Component Return
  • slc Stateless Component Function
  • ccs Component Class
  • edccs Export default Component Class
  • rrd Redux Reducer
  • rpf Redux Pure Function
  • rpc Redux Pure Function Const
  • cwm ComponentWillMount
  • cdm ComponentDidMount
  • cdu ComponentDidUpdate
  • cwu ComponentWillUpdate
  • cwum ComponentWillUnmount
  • cwrp ComponentWillReceiveProps
  • ess EStyleSheet Style
  • ed Export default
  • edl EslintDisableLine
  • styc Styled Component
  • estyc Export Styled Component
  • edstyc Export default Styled Component
  • cmmb Comment Big Block
  • log Console Log
  • tdesc Test Describe
  • tit Test It

Code Style Trong React Native


// @see
export interface ViewStyle extends FlexStyle, TransformsStyle {
    backfaceVisibility?: "visible" | "hidden"
    backgroundColor?: string;
    borderBottomColor?: string;
    borderBottomLeftRadius?: number;
    borderBottomRightRadius?: number;
    borderBottomWidth?: number;
    borderColor?: string;
    borderLeftColor?: string;
    borderRadius?: number;
    borderRightColor?: string;
    borderRightWidth?: number;
    borderStyle?: "solid" | "dotted" | "dashed"
    borderTopColor?: string;
    borderTopLeftRadius?: number;
    borderTopRightRadius?: number;
    borderTopWidth?: number;
    opacity?: number;
    overflow?: "visible" | "hidden"
    shadowColor?: string;
    shadowOffset?: { width: number, height: number };
    shadowOpacity?: number;
    shadowRadius?: number;
    elevation?: number;
    testID?: string;


export interface FlexStyle {
    alignContent?: "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "stretch" | "space-between" | "space-around"
    alignItems?: FlexAlignType
    alignSelf?: "auto" | FlexAlignType
    aspectRatio?: number
    borderBottomWidth?: number
    borderLeftWidth?: number
    borderRightWidth?: number
    borderTopWidth?: number
    borderWidth?: number
    bottom?: number | string
    flex?: number
    flexBasis?: number | string
    flexDirection?: "row" | "column" | "row-reverse" | "column-reverse"
    flexGrow?: number
    flexShrink?: number
    flexWrap?: "wrap" | "nowrap"
    height?: number | string
    justifyContent?: "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "space-between" | "space-around"
    left?: number | string
    margin?: number | string
    marginBottom?: number | string
    marginHorizontal?: number | string
    marginLeft?: number | string
    marginRight?: number | string
    marginTop?: number | string
    marginVertical?: number | string
    maxHeight?: number | string
    maxWidth?: number | string
    minHeight?: number | string
    minWidth?: number | string
    overflow?: "visible" | "hidden" | "scroll"
    padding?: number | string
    paddingBottom?: number | string
    paddingHorizontal?: number | string
    paddingLeft?: number | string
    paddingRight?: number | string
    paddingTop?: number | string
    paddingVertical?: number | string
    position?: "absolute" | "relative"
    right?: number | string
    top?: number | string
    width?: number | string
    zIndex?: number

     * @platform ios
    direction?: 'inherit' | 'ltr' | 'rtl'


type FlexAlignType = "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "stretch" | "baseline";

Navigator React Native


npm install --save react-navigation

List Navigator available

  1. StackNavigator
  2. TabNavigator
  3. DrawerNavigator

List NavigatorConfig

  1. StackNavigatorConfig
  2. TabNavigatorConfig
  3. DrawerNavigatorConfig


export interface NavigationStackViewConfig {
  mode?: 'card' | 'modal',
  headerMode?: HeaderMode,
  cardStyle?: Style,
  transitionConfig?: () => TransitionConfig,
  onTransitionStart?: () => void,
  onTransitionEnd?: () => void,

export type NavigationStackScreenOptions = NavigationScreenOptions & {
  header?: (React.ReactElement<any> | ((headerProps: HeaderProps) => React.ReactElement<any>)) | null,
  headerTitle?: string | React.ReactElement<any>,
  headerTitleStyle?: Style,
  headerTintColor?: string,
  headerLeft?: React.ReactElement<any>,
  headerBackTitle?: string | null,
  headerTruncatedBackTitle?: string,
  headerBackTitleStyle?: Style,
  headerPressColorAndroid?: string,
  headerRight?: React.ReactElement<any>,
  headerStyle?: Style,
  gesturesEnabled?: boolean,