
A web application firewall module for nginx without complex configuration. & 使用简单的 nginx 防火墙模块

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



test GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) GitHub Discussions Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

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A web application firewall module for nginx without complex configuration.

Progress & Change Log

Quick jump


  • IPV4 and IPV6 support.
  • Anti Challenge Collapsar, it can automatically block malicious IP.
  • Exceptional allow on specific IP address.
  • Block the specified IP address.
  • Block the specified request body.
  • Exceptional allow on specific URL.
  • Block the specified URL.
  • Block the specified request args.
  • Block the specified UserAgent.
  • Block the specified Cookie.
  • Exceptional allow on specific Referer.
  • Block the specified Referer.


On Unix Like

download the source code of nginx

If you want to add a new nginx module, you'll need the nginx source code

cd /usr/local/src
wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.18.0.tar.gz
tar -zxf nginx-1.18.0.tar.gz

The nginx-1.18.0 source code is recommended, but using a lower version of the nginx source code does not guarantee that this module will work. This module is compatible with the Mainline version of nginx, but since the Mainline version is still under development, there is no guarantee that it will always work. If you encounter compatibility issues, please create an issue.

download the source code of ngx_waf

cd /usr/local/src
git clone https://github.com/ADD-SP/ngx_waf.git
cd ngx_waf

compile and install

Starting from nginx-1.9.11, nginx began to support dynamic modules.

Using static modules requires all modules to be compiled into binary files, so adding, deleting and updating modules requires recompiling nginx and replacing the old binary files.

Using dynamic modules only needs to load the .so at runtime, without recompiling the entire nginx. Just compile the module into a .so, and then edit nginx.conf to load the corresponding module.

use static modules

cd /usr/local/src/nginx-1.18.0
./configure xxx --add-module=/usr/local/src/ngx_waf

If you have already installed nginx, it is recommended to run nginx -V to get the compilation parameters, and then replace xxx with it.

nginx -s stop
mv /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx.old
cp objs/nginx /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx

If you don’t want to stop the nginx service, you can upgrade through hot deployment, see Official Document for hot deployment method.

If nginx is not installed.

make install

use dynamic modules

cd /usr/local/src/nginx-1.18.0
./configure xxx --add-dynamic-module=/usr/local/src/ngx_waf
make modules

If you have already installed nginx, it is recommended to run nginx -V to get the compilation parameters, and then replace xxx with it.

Now you need to find a directory to store the .so file of the module, this doc assumes it is stored under /usr/local/nginx/modules

cp objs/ngx_http_waf_module.so /usr/local/nginx/modules/ngx_http_waf_module.so

Then edit nginx.conf and add a line at the top.

load_module "/usr/local/nginx/modules/ngx_http_waf_module.so";

How to use?

You should edit nginx.conf as follow.

http {
    server {
        waf on;
        waf_rule_path /usr/local/src/ngx_waf/rules/;
        waf_mode STD;
        waf_cc_deny_limit 1000 60;


  • syntax: waf [ on | off ];
  • default: off
  • context: server

Whether to enable this module.


  • syntax: waf_rule_path dir;
  • default: —
  • context: server

The directory where the rule file is located, must end with /.


  • syntax: waf_mult_mount [ on | off ];
  • default: off
  • context: server

Multi-stage inspection. When address rewriting exists in nginx.conf (such as rewrite), it is recommended to enable it, otherwise it is recommended to disable it.


  • syntax: waf_mode mode_type ...;
  • default: —
  • context: server

Set the working mode of the firewall. Specify at least one mode and specify at most eight modes.

mode_type has the following values (not case sensitive):

  • GET: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=GET.
  • HEAD: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=HEAD.
  • POST: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=POST.
  • PUT: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=PUT.
  • DELETE: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=DELETE.
  • MKCOL: Start the check process when Http.Method=MKCOL.
  • COPY: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=COPY.
  • MOVE: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=MOVE.
  • OPTIONS: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=OPTIONS.
  • PROPFIN: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=PROPFIN.
  • PROPPATCH: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=PROPPATCH.
  • LOCK: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=LOCK.
  • UNLOCK: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=UNLOCK.
  • PATCH: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=PATCH.
  • TRAC: Start the inspection process when Http.Method=TRAC.
  • IP: Enable IP address inspecting rules.
  • URL: Enable URL inspecting rules.
  • RBODY: Enable request body inspecting rules.
  • ARGS: Enable ARGS inspecting rules.
  • UA: Enable UA inspecting rules.
  • COOKIE: Enable COOKIE inspecting rules.
  • REFERER: Enable REFERER inspecting rules.
  • CC: Enable 'Anti Challenge Collapsar'.
  • FULL: In any case, the inspection process will be started and all inspection rules will be enabled.

Note: The mode of CC is independent of other modes, and whether it takes effect or not is not affected by other modes. A typical situation such as the URL mode will be affected by the GET mode, because if the GET mode is not used, the check will not be started when Http.Method=GET, and the URL will naturally not be inspected, but CC mode will not be similarly affected.


  • syntax: waf_cc_deny_limit rate duration;
  • default: —
  • context: server

Declare the maximum request rate of the same IP and the blocking time after the rate is exceeded.

rate: The maximum number of requests per minute for the same IP. duration: The number of minutes to block after exceeding the rate.



If the http status code is 403, it means this module is working normally.

Rule file

All regular expressions follow the PCRE Standard.

  • rules/white-ipv4:IPV4 whitelist, each rule has its own row.Each line can be only one IPV4 address or one CIDR address block. Matching IPV4 addresses are not blocked.
  • rules/ipv4:IPV4 blacklist, each rule has its own line. Each line can only be an IPV4 address or a CIDR address block. Matched IPV4 addresses are blocked and 403 is returned.
  • rules/white-ipv6:IPV6 whitelist, each rule has its own line. Each line can only be an IPV6 address or a string like fe80::/10. Matching IPV6 addresses are not blocked.
  • rules/ipv6:IPV6 blacklist, each rule has its own row. Each line can only be an IPV6 address or a string like fe80::/10. Matched IPV6 addresses are blocked and 403 is returned.
  • rules/white-url:URL whitelist, each rule has its own line. One regular expression per line, when the URL is matched by any rule, it will be allowed.
  • rules/url:URL blacklist, each rule has its own line. There is a regular expression per line, and 403 is returned when the URL is matched by any rule.
  • rules/args:Request args blacklist, each rule has its own line. There is one regular expression per line, and 403 is returned when the request args is matched by any rule.
  • rules/user-agent:UserAgent blacklist, each rule has its own line. There is one regular expression per line, and 403 is returned when the user-agent is matched by any rule.
  • rules/white-referer:Referer whitelist, each rule has its own line. One regular expression per line, when the referer is matched by any rule, it will be allowed.
  • rules/referer:Referer blacklist, each rule has its own line. There is a regular expression per line, and 403 is returned when the referer is matched by any rule.
  • rules/cookie:Cookie blacklist, each rule has its own line. There is a regular expression per line, and 403 is returned when the cookie is matched by any rule.
  • rules/post:Request body blacklist, each rule has its own line. There is a regular expression per line, and 403 is returned when the request body is matched by any rule.


When writing nginx.conf, some variables are inevitably needed. For example, $remote_addr can be used to get the client IP address.

This module adds three available variables.

  • $waf_blocked: Whether this request is intercepted by this module, if intercepted, its value is 'true', otherwise it is 'false'.
  • $waf_rule_type:If current request was blocked by this module, this variable is set to the triggered rule type, otherwise 'null'. The following are possible values.
    • 'BLACK-IPV4'
    • 'BLACK-URL'
    • 'BLACK-ARGS'
    • 'BLACK-POST'
  • '$waf_rule_details':If this request is blocked by this module, its value is the content of the specific rule triggered. If it is not blocked, its value is 'null'.


The block log is stored in error.log. The log level of the block record is ALERT. The basic format is xxxxx, ngx_waf: [Type][Rule], xxxxx, see the following example for details.

2020/01/20 22:56:30 [alert] 24289#0: *30 ngx_waf: [BLACK-URL][(?i)(?:/\.env$)], client:, server: example.com, request: "GET /v1/.env HTTP/1.1", host: "example.com", referrer: "http:/example.com/v1/.env"

2020/01/20 22:58:40 [alert] 24678#0: *11 ngx_waf: [BLACK-POST][(?i)(?:select.+(?:from|limit))], client:, server: example.com, request: "POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1", host: "example.com", referrer: "https://example.com/"


BSD 3-Clause License

