Project Status: Abandoned – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; the project has been abandoned and the author(s) do not intend on continuing development.

NGINX Controller Data Forwarder Role

This repository has been archived. There will likely be no further development on the project and security vulnerabilities may be unaddressed.

Manage data forwarder settings with NGINX Controller.


NGINX Controller

Role Variables

Required Variables

controller.fqdn - FQDN of the NGINX Controller instance

controller.auth_token - Authentication token for NGINX Controller - name of the data forwarder

Template Variables

This role has multiple template related variables. The descriptions and defaults for all these variables can be found in vars/main.yml


Example Playbook

To use this role you can create a playbook such as the following (let's name it nginx_controller_forwarder.yaml for the purposes of this example).

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no

    nginx_controller_user_email: "" # Required by nginx_controller_generate_token role
    nginx_controller_user_password: "mySecurePassword" # Required by nginx_controller_generate_token role
    nginx_controller_fqdn: ""
    nginx_controller_validate_certs: false

    - name: Retrieve the NGINX Controller auth token
        name: nginxinc.nginx_controller_generate_token

    - name: Configure the user role
        name: nginxinc.nginx_controller_forwarder
            name:  # the name of the data forwarder
            displayName:   # a friendly display name for the data forwarder (spaces and special characters allowed)
            description:  # a description of the data forwarder
            tags:   # an array of tags
            - tagOne
            - tagTwo
            integrationRef:  # reference to an existing Integration ( target URI and credential )
              ref: "/platform/integrations/splunk-demo"
              inputDataType: "metrics"
              outputFormat: "splunk"
              selector: ""

You can then run ansible-playbook nginx_controller_forwarder.yaml to execute the playbook.

Alternatively, you can also pass/override any variables at run time using the --extra-vars or -e flag like so ansible-playbook nginx_controller_forwarder.yaml -e " nginx_controller_user_password=notsecure nginx_controller_fqdn=controller.example.local nginx_controller_validate_certs=false"

You can also pass/override any variables by passing a yaml file containing any number of variables like so ansible-playbook nginx_controller_forwarder.yaml -e "@nginx_controller_forwarder_vars.yaml"


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

Brian Ehlert

© NGINX, Inc. 2020