
A robot that lives on a Raspberry Pi, can send Tweets and text messages about its environmental sensor data. Some hardware is required.

Primary LanguagePython

Sandra the Sensor Bot

Image of Sandra The Sensor Bot

Hello, thank you for checking out my repository. Sandra the Sensor Bot is a twitter bot, with an interesting twist. This was really a way for me to incorporate hardware into a project, something I've never done before.

The codebase is mainly written in Python. Sandra currently has the ability to read the temperature, humidity, and air pressure.

I eventually want to move to also reading gas and air quality, but that requires additional hardware that I do not have at the moment.


This is not a usual web development project since there is hardware required.

Hardware required:

Additional hardware(highly recommended)

  • 40-pin GPIO female-to-male ribbon cable - The heat from the Raspberry Pi CPU will warm the Sense Hat, causing inaccurate temperature readings. The ribbon cable allows for the Sense Hat to be moved away from the heat source.

Installations and setup

As a reminder, you will need the required hardware. This will not work unless you have a Raspberry Pi and Sense HAT.

Python3 must be installed on your Raspberry Pi. Additionally, you may need to pip install the following:

  • Twython
  • dotenv
  • python-dotenv
  • python3-matplotlib
  • twilio

You may run into problems depending on which dependency manager you use. Most of the dependencies should be preinstalled on your Raspberry Pi OS. If you do run into problems, you can try running:

sudo apt-get install <MISSING_PACKAGE_HERE>

You will also need to sign up for a Twitter Developer Account, and a Twilio Developer Account. Please see the instructions to get a Twitter Developer Account and a Twilio Developer Account. Once you have an account, in the home directory of the repository, run the following:

touch .env

and then open the .env file. Paste the following in here:


# API key, Secret Key, and Bearer Token from Twitter

# access token and secret from Twitter


# Twilio Account SID and auth token. Get these from your Twilio Account

# your personal phone number

How to run Sandra with crontab: *** WIP ***

In your terminal, run:

crontab -e

then, paste the following in the crontab editor, and change the PATH_TO_REPO to the appropriate path:

# Sandra the Sensor Bot Cron jobs

# log data for chart every 4 hours(0, 3, 6, 8, etc)
0 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 * * * cd /PATH_TO_REPO && python3 log_data_for_chart.py

# tweet chart image every week at 10:00 on Tuesday
0 10 * * 2 cd /PATH_TO_REPO && python3 tweet_chart_image.py

# tweet current conditions 2-4 times a week at 11:45 on Monday and Wednesday
45 11 * * 1,3 cd /PATH_TO_REPO && python3 tweet_sensor_message.py

# tweet a fact every week at 11:00 on Thursday
0 11 * * 4 cd /PATH_TO_REPO && python3 tweet_fact_message.py

# tweet a joke every week at 12:00 PM on Friday
0 12 * * 5 cd /PATH_TO_REPO && python3 joke_message.py

This will log periodic data, post chart images weekly, and post messages to your account.