
A very simplistic long-running voting system

Primary LanguagePython

A simplistic system for holding long running polls. 

### How to use:

- Drop this folder as an app in your django project (probably needs Django 1.2 or better)
- Add this app to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
- Enable the django comments system: Do steps 1, 2 and 3 from the Django Comments Quick Start Guide at <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/comments/>
- Ensure that you have Django CSRF protections turned on: Add django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and add django.core.context_processors.csrf to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
- Add dovote.urls to your urls.py. e.g.:
        url('^dovote/', include('dovote.urls')), 
- These templates will extend "base.html" and will put all their content in "block content". So just ensure that your django project has a base.html with a block called content, and you're 

### Basic Features

This is a very simplistic system that allows for "long-running" polls with the following features:

- Minimal security: anybody can vote with a single click, without requiring a registration or login
- People can vote for multiple items in a topic
- Anybody can add new items to an existing/running topic being voted on. (i.e. "options" in a given "poll"). 
- Anybody can create a new topic (i.e. a new "poll")
- Topics as well as individual items within a topic can be "closed" or retired. Retired topics/items can no longer be voted upon, but remain there (greyed out) so that people can still see/view them.
- Comments: people can have comment-discussions on topic pages

### Shortcomings

Note: this was something quickly hacked together while I was sitting in a boring meeting. There are various problems with this, including (but not limited to):

- There are no tests :-(
- The security is non-existent. It would be trivially easy for someone to vote multiple times.
- Many other problems possibly exist...

### ToDo

If someone is interested, the following are the TODO items that I can think of:

- Make it pretty. Add a nice CSS stylesheet
- Ajaxification, to make it easier to use
- Add some analytics to be able to show things like: most active topics, "new" items, "rising" or "falling" indicators on items.
- Capture user information (via twitter login, or facebook connect, or something) so that voting history can be maintained. This should be optional.