
A cron based auto-restarter

Primary LanguagePython

This is probably not production ready yet

An auto-restarter script that reads a config file containing commands and PID file names, checks whether the processes are still running, and restarts them if they are not. Suitable for putting in cron. Requires daemonize

supervisord is too heavyweight. init.d and friends are too shell-scripty, and most expect root permissions.

See example_pyrestarter.cfg and tests/testconfig.cfg for examples. Here only rundir and pidfile are necesary. The other settings are there for your convenience.


Install daemonize. pyrestarter.py uses daemonize to put your command in the background.

Create a pyrestarter.cfg in your home directory, and configure 'rundir' and 'daemonize_cmd'. Make sure the 'rundir' directory exists and is writable by pyrestarter.py. Then in your cron, put:

 * * * * * /usr/bin/python /path/to/pyrestarter.py

Or if you dont want to put pyrestarter.cfg in your home directory you can do:

   ...pyrestarter.py -c somedir/somefile.cfg

From the command line you can do the following:

   $ pyrestarter.py -s
     # shows current running status of programs listed in the cfg file
   $ pyrestarter.py -k <progname>
     # kill <progname> - where <progname> is the program name as
     # as defined in the cfg file (the part between [square_brackets])
   $ pyrestarter.py -r <progname>
     # kill and restart <progname>