
A angular module to add directive `ng-touchstart`.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

No longer maintained, would you be our new maintainer? Let us know at mark@ulties.com.

nglar - ngTouchstart

A angular module to add directives for touch devices.

Build Status StyleCI Status Dependencies Dev Dependencies License


Version: 1.0.1
Author: Mark Topper [Facebook] [Github] [Twitter]
Website: ulties.com
Email: mark@ulties.com


Install using Bower

Install using bower:

bower install ngtouchstart --save

Install using NPM

Install using npm:

npm install ngtouchstart --save

Go to NPM page for this package.


Load the file to you HTML header:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/components/ngtouchstart/build/ngTouchstart.min.js"></script>


You must include the ngTouchstart dependency on your angular module:

var app = angular.module("demoapp", ["ngTouchstart"]);

Then in your controller:

$scope.onTouchmove = function($event) {
   console.log('touchmove event called');

Then in your HTML:

<div ng-touchmove="onTouchmove($event)"></div>

This will trigger whenever a touch device is touched and moving.

Get the whole ngTouch package.


The following is a list of libraries that extend ngTouchstart:

  • None yet

Contact me at mark@ulties.com to get yours added.

The following is a list of libraries that requires by ngTouchstart:

  • Angular: HTML enhanced for web apps

The following is a list of alternatives for ngTouchstart:

  • ngTouch: A angular module to add directives for touch devices.


From the project directory, tests can be ran using gulp test


Thank you for considering contributing! The contribution guide can be found in the contributions.md.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within ngTouch, please send an e-mail to Mark Topper at mark@ulties.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


Released under the MIT License - see license.txt for details.