- Welcome to my [digital garden]!
- This garden is part of the Agora and can be found rendered in https://anagora.org/. If you're viewing this on Github, you will have a suboptimal experience (many links will be broken).
- If you'd like help setting up a digital garden like this one for yourself, please reach out to me in any way you find convenient: [identity].
- For more information about my other projects, please refer to https://flancia.org.
- If you'd like to see this graphed, this is current as of [2021-01-27]: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1354425781766803458
- Please use the search function on the top, or begin by browsing one of the following popular nodes (in the sense that they are highly connected):
- [person]
- [twitter]
- [do]
- [flancia]
- [agora]
- [agora plan]
- [[agora feature requests]]
- [agora protocol]
- [stoa]
- [agora plan]
- [pull] [flancian]