
TS/React Scaffolder using esbuild compiler/bundler

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TS/React Scaffolder using esbuild compiler/bundler


Some scaffolders/generators create quite a lot files. Both in regards of project files and dependencies. Look into size of node_modules folder - after using some of popular scaffolders... While this potentially expands available functionality - it makes harder for people to learn/understand things and focus on technology.

So, I wanted to create a scaffolder for React/Typescript projects with absolute minimum of code/files/dependencies and with a fast bundler (esbuild). As learning goes on - people can add additional complexity themselves...

This scaffolder should be:

  • fast to run itself
  • fast for npm install
  • easy to review/understand created files
  • using esbuild makes it fast to compile/bundle

It also would add prettier as dev dependency. For Visual Studio Code, it is recommended to use extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode

You can also use prettier from CLI:

  • npm run format:check
  • npm run format:fix

While being light-weight, it still gives you a working environment for React/Typescript!

Feel free to report any issues or ask for features at Github Issues: https://github.com/ngmaibulat/create-tsreact/issues


npm create tsreact@latest <appname>
cd <appname>
npm install
npm run dev


Building is done via eslint. Here is the command for npm run build. As you see, it targets es2022. So, you can use all modern stuff like top-level await. If required, please adjust options in scripts section of package.json.

npx esbuild src/app.tsx --bundle --outdir=public --format=esm --platform=browser --target=es2022