dancer2 gen -a app
- app
- app/.dancer
- app/config.yml
- app/Makefile.PL
- app/cpanfile
- app/lib
- app/lib/app.pm
- app/t
- app/t/001_base.t
- app/t/002_index_route.t
- app/public
- app/public/dispatch.fcgi
- app/public/dispatch.cgi
- app/public/404.html
- app/public/500.html
- app/public/favicon.ico
- app/views
- app/views/index.tt
- app/environments
- app/environments/production.yml
- app/environments/development.yml
- app/bin
- app/bin/app.psgi
- app/public/images
- app/public/images/perldancer.jpg
- app/public/images/perldancer-bg.jpg
- app/public/css
- app/public/css/error.css
- app/public/css/style.css
- app/public/javascripts
- app/public/javascripts/jquery.js
- app/views/layouts
- app/views/layouts/main.tt
Your new application is ready! To run it:
cd app
plackup bin/app.psgi
To access your application, point your browser to http://localhost:5000
If you need community assistance, the following resources are available:
- Dancer website: https://perldancer.org
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PerlDancer/
- GitHub: https://github.com/PerlDancer/Dancer2/
- Mailing list: https://lists.perldancer.org/mailman/listinfo/dancer-users
- IRC: irc.perl.org#dancer
Happy Dancing!
├── bin
│ └── app.psgi
├── config.yml
├── cpanfile
├── environments
│ ├── development.yml
│ └── production.yml
├── lib
│ └── app.pm
├── Makefile.PL
├── public
│ ├── 404.html
│ ├── 500.html
│ ├── css
│ │ ├── error.css
│ │ ├── main.css
│ │ ├── page.css
│ │ ├── style.css
│ │ └── tailwind.css
│ ├── dispatch.cgi
│ ├── dispatch.fcgi
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── perldancer-bg.jpg
│ │ └── perldancer.jpg
│ └── javascripts
│ └── jquery.js
├── t
│ ├── 001_base.t
│ └── 002_index_route.t
├── views
│ ├── about.tt
│ ├── contact.tt
│ ├── index.tt
│ └── layouts
│ └── layout.tt
└── views-std
├── index.tt
└── layouts
└── main.tt