- 3
Can't hotkey a period (dot)
#43 opened by jherman - 1
- 5
- 0
- 2
Pause hotkey handling
#62 opened by timnyborg - 1
Version 1.4.0 with Angular >=16 compatibility
#87 opened by 4gray - 5
- 2
Angular v16 Support
#83 opened by puranjayjain - 5
Dependency free help modal?
#82 opened by andreaslarssen - 0
Example code?
#81 opened by andreaslarssen - 9
- 2
- 1
- 0
Failed to install in Angular 13
#64 opened by erviem99 - 0
- 3
- 2
- 0
- 5
The alt.p shortcut does not work on MacOs
#49 opened by GitHubish - 1
Support sequential hot keys
#44 opened by jherman - 2
- 1
How to define a hotkey which contains '.' key
#18 opened by jnewman30 - 9
Upgrade dependencies to Angular 10
#15 opened by kaplan81 - 17
- 3
Idea on allowing user to change hotkey.
#13 opened by 24hours - 3
- 2
Removing / un-registering hotkeys
#6 opened by alvaromartmart - 2
- 2
[documentation] HotkeysHelpComponent example using MatDialog cannot be closed using the button
#7 opened by alvaromartmart - 2
@angular/material hard dep?
#3 opened by iCrawl