
Automation Test Skeleton

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Table of Contents



The main libs are used for blur.

Name Version Repository
Selenium 4.15.0 SeleniumHQ/selenium/java
Appium 9.0.0 appium/java-client
Selenide 7.0.2 selenide/selenide
Allure 2.24.0 allure-framework/allure-java
JUnit5 5.10.1 junit-team/junit5


The modules are built in separated artifacts.

Name Version Repository
Commons 1.3.0 ngoanh2n/commons
CSV Comparator 1.8.0 ngoanh2n/csv-comparator
Image Comparator 1.3.0 ngoanh2n/image-comparator
WebDriverChecker 2.8.0 ngoanh2n/webdriverchecker
WebDriverShooter 1.0.1 ngoanh2n/webdrivershooter


  • Case 1: Declare blur as a dependency in build.gradle or pom.xml
  • Case 2: Create a new module inside Skeleton and compile blur in build.gradle of module


Add to build.gradle.



Add to pom.xml.



Refer to Open project and create module.



You have to use Blur.open(..) for opening the page or app first.

  • com.codeborne.selenide.Selectors
    Define a locator by a locating strategy.

    By by = Selectors.byXpath(..);
    By by = Selectors.withText(..);
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.blur.Blur.$(..)
    Find element/elements by a locator.

    SelenideElement element = Blur.$(..);
    ElementsCollection elements = Blur.$$(..);
  • com.codeborne.selenide.Condition
    Define a condition to check element.

    Condition condition = Condition.enabled;
    Condition condition = Condition.exactText(..);
  • com.codeborne.selenide.SelenideElement
    Interact with element.

    SelenideElement element = element.dragAndDrop(..);
    SelenideElement element = element.shouldBe(condition);
  • com.codeborne.selenide.CollectionCondition
    Define a collection condition to check elements.

    CollectionCondition condition = CollectionCondition.size(..);
    CollectionCondition condition = CollectionCondition.texts(..);
  • com.codeborne.selenide.ElementsCollection
    Interact with list of elements.

    ElementsCollection elements = elements.filter(condition);
    ElementsCollection elements = elements.shouldBe(condition);
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.wdc.WebDriverChecker
    Check WebDriver characteristics and environment.

    boolean result = WebDriverChecker.isIOS(..);
    boolean result = WebDriverChecker.isSafari(..);
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.wds.WebDriverShooter
    Take screenshot with WebDriver and comparison.

    Screenshot screenshot = WebDriverShooter.page(..);
    Screenshot screenshot = WebDriverShooter.frame(..);
    Screenshot screenshot = WebDriverShooter.element(..);


  • com.github.ngoanh2n.csv.CsvComparator
    Compare 2 CSV files.

    CsvComparisonResult result = CsvComparator.compare(expectedCSV, actualCSV);
    CsvComparisonResult result = CsvComparator.compare(expectedCSV, actualCSV, options);
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.img.ImageComparator
    Compare 2 image files.

    ImageComparisonResult result = ImageComparator.compare(expectedImage, actualImage);
    ImageComparisonResult result = ImageComparator.compare(expectedImage, actualImage, options);


  • com.github.ngoanh2n.Resources
    Find and read Java resources.

    File file = Resources.getFile("file.json");
    String content = Resources.getContent("file.yml");
    InputStream is = Resources.getInputStream("file.png");
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.YamlData
    Read Yaml file to Map, List of Maps, Model, List of Models.

    public class User extends YamlData {}
    User user = new User().fromResource("user.yml").toModel();
    List<User> users = new User().fromResource("users.yml").toModels();
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.Property
    Represent a JVM system property.

    Property property = Property.ofString(..);
    Property property = Property.ofBoolean(..);
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.PropertiesFile
    Read properties file.

    PropertiesFile propertiesFile = new PropertiesFile("file.properties");
    String value = propertiesFile.getProperty("keyName");
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.AllureEnvironment
    Write environment.properties to Allure results directory.

    AllureEnvironment.write("file1.properties", "file2.properties");
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.EnabledIfProperty
    Signal that the annotated test class or test method is enabled.

    public class MyTest {
        @EnabledIfProperty(name = "browser", value = "safari")
        public void test () {}
  • com.github.ngoanh2n.SetProperty
    Set JVM system property for the annotated test class or test method.

    @SetProperty(name = "browser", value = "safari")
    public class MyTest {}
    public class MyTest {
        @SetProperty(name = "browser", value = "safari")
        public void test () {}