Quasar - Clean Typescript Template (quasar-clean-typescript)

Simple Vue.js starter project using Quasar Framework, typescript extension and a couple of additional packages for class based components and class based Vuex store modules.

This template is a standard project created using Quasar CLI with settings:

  • Sass with indented syntax
  • Manually specify what to import (auto-import doesn't work with Typescript)
  • ESLint, Vuex, Axios, Vue-i18n plugins
  • Airbnb ESLint preset with generated prettier config

In addition the project has added:

The template has the same content as the default Quasar CLI project, but everything is formatted with generated prettier config, all Vue components are class based. In addition the layout state is contained in separate Vuex store module which serves as an example of class based Vuex store module usage.


If you would like to recreate this project on your own or customize some things, you can follow the tutorial explaining how this template was created.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Rename project name, description, author etc. in package.json and quasar.conf.js.
  3. Run yarn install command to install dependencies.
  4. Run dev script from package.json to run the dev server.