
A fork of http://code.google.com/p/annovention/ that fixes bugs and removes Apache log dependency to keep the library lightweight

Primary LanguageJava

This is a fork of http://code.google.com/p/annovention/ that fixes bugs and removes Apache log dependency to keep the library lightweight.

Differences compared to the original Annovention library:

  • Compiled with Java 6 instead of Java 5.
  • Discoverer can be specified to scan only classes, fields, or methods; and to scan only runtime visible or invisible annotations.
  • ClasspathDiscoverer has been improved to properly scan all class loaders (based on http://code.google.com/p/reflections).
  • Apache Common Log has been removed; the only dependency is Javassist.
  • 2014-02-14 - dbennett455 - New listeners added that accept the Javassist objects for access to annotation parameters and other info.

See Javadoc.

If you use Scala, see also Sclasner.

Using with Maven


Using with SBT

libraryDependencies += "tv.cntt" % "annovention" % "1.7"