
The subject provides an in-depth technical overview of mobile security architectures, new security risks and threats of modern mobile platforms and operating systems. Lab tutorials provide students with programming techniques (Android) in Cryptography, Network security, and Database security, and security tools in mobile penetration testing.

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The subject provides an in-depth technical overview of mobile security architectures, new security risks and threats of modern mobile platforms and operating systems.

Lab tutorials provide students with programming techniques (Android) in Cryptography, Network security, and Database security, and security tools in mobile penetration testing.

Lab 1: Introduction

This lab will introduce the importance of cyber security for mobile platforms. Why Android dramatically increases. It also explain how to use app lock exceptions in Window to execute the Android environment.

Lab 2: Android application

This lab will instruct how to program in Android. You will be familiar with Android IDE. And how an Android app can be created. You can make your own app.

Lab 3: Intent based and AES encryption

This lab will provide you with the knowledge about explicit and implicit intent in Android and how to use them to transfer between activities. The knowledge of cryptography in general and various kinds of encryptions will be introduced. Subsequently, you will program an app that uses AES encrypted algorithm to encrypt the message.

Lab 4: Encryption app

This lab will keep describing the knowledge of cryptography. Particularly, you will code for the decryption of the message and finish the app AES encryption and decryption of message. Furthermore, you will design the encrypted messenger app by using explicit intent. The lab will introduce you about Android BROADCAST package that allows you to program send and receive message via mobile platforms. Some suggestions about a real messenger app will be investigated.

Lab 5: NVD, Dirty COW attack and SQL injection

This lab will introduce you about the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) that has stored and updated information about Security Vulnerabilities all over the world. Up to now, at the time of this writing, the database contains about ninety thousand different security vulnerabilities from 1999. This lab also guides you how to use NVD in terms of attacker and defender’s perspectives. Then, it provides with the detail of one of the most important vulnerabilities in Android system. It is Copy-On-Write vulnerability with the code CVE-2016-5195. Last but not least, we will take you go to the journey of SQL injection attacks that include the SQLite injection.