Udagram Image Filtering Microservice


Setup Node Environment

You'll need to create a new node server. Open a new terminal within the project directory and run:

  1. Initialize a new project: npm i
  2. run the development server with npm run dev

Create a new endpoint in the server.ts file

The starter code has a task for you to complete an endpoint in ./src/server.ts which uses query parameter to download an image from a public URL, filter the image, and return the result.

We've included a few helper functions to handle some of these concepts and we're importing it for you at the top of the ./src/server.ts file.

import { filterImageFromURL, deleteLocalFiles } from "./util/util";

Deploying your system

Follow the process described in the course to eb init a new application and eb create a new environment to deploy your image-filter service! Don't forget you can use eb deploy to push changes.


Open Postman and import cloud-cdnd-c2-final.postman_collection.json to run API.

Endpoint: GET - http://{{EB_URL}}/filteredimage?image_url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Golden_tabby_and_white_kitten_n01.jpg

!!NOTE Required Authorization header to run.