
A CashShuffle server implented in Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

License ReportCard Build


A CashShuffle server implented in Go.

For more information on CashShuffle visit cashshuffle.com.

Technical specification and documentation are at github.com/cashshuffle/spec.


go get -v github.com/cashshuffle/cashshuffle
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cashshuffle/cashshuffle
export GO111MODULE=on
make install


To start the server, just set the pool size and add your SSL cert and key.

cashshuffle -s 5 -c <cert> -k <key>

To start the server using LetsEncrypt to manage the cert.

# LetsEncrypt requires port 80 for negotiation.
# Therefore sudo is required.
sudo cashshuffle -s 5 -a <hostname>

You can use --help to view all the options.

  cashshuffle [flags]

  -a, --auto-cert string         register hostname with LetsEncrypt
  -b, --bind-ip string           IP address to bind to
  -c, --cert string              path to server.crt for TLS
  -d, --debug                    debug mode
  -h, --help                     help for cashshuffle
  -k, --key string               path to server.key for TLS
  -s, --pool-size int            pool size (default 5)
  -p, --port int                 server port (default 1337)
  -z, --stats-port int           stats server port (default 8080)
  -t, --tor                      enable secondary listener for tor connections
      --tor-bind-ip string       IP address to bind to for tor (default "")
      --tor-port int             tor server port (default 1339)
      --tor-stats-port int       tor stats server port (default 8081)
      --tor-websocket-port int   tor websocket port (default 1340)
  -v, --version                  display version
  -w, --websocket-port int       websocket port (default 1338)


To run a server on the public internet with SSL and also support Tor just use the --tor flag.

cashshuffle -s 5 -c <cert> -k <key> --tor

Now edit your torrc and add the following. Then restart Tor for the configuration to take effect.

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/cashshuffle
HiddenServicePort 1339
HiddenServicePort 1340
HiddenServicePort 8081

For more docs on setting up onion services you can check out https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-onion-service.html.en.


cashshuffle is released under the MIT license.