
Salesforce ORM for PHP: Doctrine style entities, entity manager and repository

Primary LanguagePHP

Salesforce ORM for PHP: Doctrine style entities, entity manager and repository

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"require": {
        "brightecapital/salesforce-orm": "^1.4.2"


composer require brightecapital/salesforce-orm

Sample code


$config = [
            'clientId' => 'yourSalesforceClientId'
            'clientSecret' => "yourSalesforceSecret"
            'path' => 'yourSalesforcePath'
            'username' => 'yourSalesforceUsername'
            'password' => 'yourSalesforcePassword'
            'apiVersion' => 'yourSalesforceApiVersion'
$conn = new \Salesforce\Client\Connection($config);          
$entityManager = new \Salesforce\ORM\EntityManager($conn);


/* @var \Salesforce\ORM\Repository */
$accountRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(Account::class);
class AccountRepository extends Repository
    protected $className = Account::class;

$accountRepository = new AccountRepository($entityManager);


/* @var Account $account */
$account = $entityManager->getRepository(Account::class)->find('0010p000002Wam9AAC');
$account = $accountRepository->find('0010p000002Wam9AAC');
$account = new Account();

Create|Update Object

$account = new Account();
$account->setName('Your Name);
$accountRepository->save($account); // this will create a new Account entity

$account = $entityManager->getRepository(Account::class)->find('0010p000002Wam9AAC');
$accountRepository->save($account); // this will update a the current Account entity

Entity and Field

 * Salesforce Account
 * @package Salesforce\Entity
 * @SF\Object(name="Account")
class Account extends Entity
     * @var string
     * @SF\Field(name="Name", required=true)
    protected $name;

     * @var string
     * @SF\Field(name="Website")
    protected $website;
  • @SF\Object(name="Account"): indicate that this class is mapping to Salesforce Account object
  • @SF\Field(name="Name") : indicate that the property is mapping to filed 'Name' in Salesforce Account object

Relations, Required, Validations

 * Salesforce Account
 * @package Salesforce\Entity
 * @SF\Object(name="Account")
class Account extends Entity
     * @var string
     * @SF\Field(name="Name", required=true)
    protected $name;

     * @var string
     * @SF\Field(name="Website")
     * @SF\Url(value=true)
    protected $website;
      * @var array
      * @SF\OneToMany(name="Contacts", targetClass="App\Domain\Marketing\Salesforce\Entity\Contact", field="Id", targetField="AccountId", lazy=false)
     protected $contacts;

  • @SF\OneToMany(name="Contacts", targetClass="App\Domain\Marketing\Salesforce\Entity\Contact", field="Id", targetField="AccountId", lazy=false): indicate that one Account has many Contact
  • targetClass : the implemented class of Contact
  • field: the field/column of Account object
  • targetField: the field/column of the target Contact object
  • lazy: if lazy = false, the repository will autoload list of Contact of the Account when you do (default = true)
 $account = $accountRepository->find('0010p000002Wam9AAC');
  • @SF\Required(value=true): indicate that this field is required. An exception will be thrown if this property is not set when saving the entity
  • @SF\Url(value=true): indicate that this field is a url. An exception will be thrown if the value of this property is not an url

Available validations: Url, Email, Date

Find and Count

// Find Account by conditions, by default lazy loading = false (will load relations)
$accounts = $accountRepo->findBy(['Company_Name__c = Adant Services Group Pty Ltd']);
// Find all Account, by default lazy loading = true (will not load relations)
$accounts = $accountRepo->findAll();
// Find total number of Account
$count = $accountRepository->count();

Job (Bulk upload)