Week 3 - Assignment - Flick Take 2

Movie viewer is a movies app using the The Movie Database API.

Time spent: 16 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

Pull Request 1 - Search

  • User must be able to filter search results by adult content, release year, and primary release year, which are parameters to /search in the TMDB API. This should be done via a second view controller, called "filters".
  • There should be a third tab, called search.
  • User should see a "no results found" placeholder in the table view if no results are found.

Pull Request 2 - Favorite and Sharing

  • User should be able to swipe right on the TableViewCells to expose favorite and share actions.
  • Movies that have been "favorited" should have a visual cue that they've been favorited, such as an icon or change in background color.
  • Make sure the "favorited" state persists as you scroll up and down the list of movies.
  • Selecting "share" should open a small ActionSheet.

Pull Request 3 - Persisted Favoriting using Realm

  • Closing the app and re-opening the app should "remember" the movies that you've favorited.
  • Local persistence: use Realm to remember which movies you've favorited.
  • Hint: you'll want to use the id field to correlate the movies together.

Pull Request 4 - Persisted Favoriting using Firebase

The following bonus task features are implemented:

  • Integrate MGSwipeTableCell to implement bi-directional swipe. Swipe left to favorite, and swipe right to share. Swipe left to favorite should trigger automatically upon completion of the swipe.
  • Firebase Branch: Implement a "Feed View", where you can see all the favorite actions happening in a TableView.
  • Sharing via Facebook, Twitter and More.

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

GIF created with LiceCap.


Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.

  • Got a duplicate "favorited" state


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